Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2762 Look at the strength of the dishes (1)

In the dark night, a gloomy cold light flashed.

The tall minaret is looming in front of the eyes, exuding a powerful and mysterious atmosphere.

Xiao Wangcai's eyes lit up immediately, and he flapped his wings and shouted, "Devil, wake up! Wake up! The inheritance tower has appeared!"

Huang Yueli also had a feeling in her heart and woke up from her meditation.

Seeing this familiar tower again, a smile appeared on the corner of Huang Yueli's mouth, and she jumped up from the ground!


This time, Huang Yueli already had a good understanding of the formation around the Inheritance Tower, therefore, without wasting any more time, she directly cut her finger, dripped blood on the ground, and followed the instructions that appeared underground, all the way to the Run to the heartland.

Standing in front of the closed gate of the inheritance tower, she just pressed her bloody finger on the gate when it suddenly opened backwards.

Huang Yueli staggered and nearly fell.

"Huh? Strange? How did the door open so quickly?" She opened her eyes wide in surprise.

She still remembers that when she came to the inheritance tower last time, she drank almost all the blood on her body before successfully opening the door, but this time...she seems to have only a few drops of blood on the door?

Just when she was puzzled, a somewhat familiar voice sounded above her head.

"Welcome back to the inheritance tower again, Huang Yueli. The formation of the inheritance tower has a memory of your blood, so you can come in so easily."

Huang Yueli looked up, and saw the pagoda spirit of the inheritance tower, Huang Zixiao, stepping on the void, floating in the center of the inheritance tower.

She couldn't help showing a smile, "Senior, long time no see!"

"Long?" Huang Zixiao showed a strange look on his face, "It seems that it has only been two years since you left last time! This time is really too short... I never thought that you would come to the inheritance so soon. Talai. Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here this time?"

Huang Yueli was already very impatient, so she said straight to the point: "Senior Huang, I remember that when I was training in the Inheritance Tower last time, you once said that a heaven-level genius who has successfully passed the second stage of the trial will be a After the Ninth Realm, the third stage of the trial can be carried out in the inheritance tower, isn't that true?"

Huang Zixiao was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "You remember correctly, but... why are you asking this?" He frowned slightly, stared at Huang Yueli for a while, then suddenly his whole body was shocked, and he said in disbelief: " Could it be...Could it already..."

Huang Zixiao was so shocked that he couldn't even complete his sentence, so he could only stretch out a finger and pointed at Huang Yueli tremblingly.

Huang Yueli blinked her big eyes, with an innocent expression on her face, and said in a steady voice: "Senior Huang, I just advanced to the ninth level two months ago! Although my cultivation has stabilized recently, I still feel that My own cultivation speed is too slow, so I want to participate in the third stage of the trial..."

"You, you, have really broken through the ninth level!" Huang Yueli was interrupted by the excited Huang Zixiao in the middle of speaking.

Huang Yueli nodded, and said, "Uh, yes, so, can I..."

Before she finished speaking, she was cut off again!

" is this possible! The last time you passed the second stage of the trial, you were only at the third level! After being soaked in phoenix blood, you broke through the fourth level..."

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