Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2878 Passed smoothly (5)

To activate such a large-scale formation, it needs to consume a lot of energy, and tens of thousands of top-grade crystal jade and high-level spirit beast cores are used every time.

Not only that, even the daily maintenance of formations consumes a huge amount of resources.

In order to share the cost, most of the forces will regularly open the teleportation array for ordinary warriors to use, but the fee that needs to be paid for each use is also very amazing!

"From Shenghuang Continent to the adjacent Baihu Continent, the teleportation fee for each person is 10,000 top-grade crystal jades! One high-grade crystal jade is equal to a thousand middle-grade crystal jades, and one middle-grade crystal jade is equivalent to A thousand pieces of low-grade crystal jade..."

Huang Yueli was thinking silently in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became!

Such a price was unattainable for the aborigines of the God Realm, let alone a warrior like her who had just ascended from the Lower Realm.

Although she has some mid-grade crystal jades given to her by the Holy Phoenix Clan, there are only dozens of them. If you just buy some small things, it is enough, but it is completely impossible to afford the cost of teleportation... …

Huang Yueli pondered for a while, then made a decision: "There is no other way now, whether it is to go to the teleportation array or to make money, you have to go to Shenghuang Continent, staying in this small town has no future... It would be impossible for Huang Sanbai to think that I would appear directly in the Holy Phoenix Clan, which may be safer than other towns."

Combining several reasons, Huang Yueli was ready to set off immediately, heading for the Holy Phoenix Continent.

She did as soon as she thought of it, and immediately went back to the Wanli Inn to check out the room and left Youyu Town.

When she left the town, she was questioned by the guards unexpectedly.

Huang Yueli coped with it with the same rhetoric she used at the inn earlier.

When she left, she could still hear the suspicious voice of the guard behind her.

"Strange, there are a lot of fighters who ascended to the God Realm from the Golden Continent recently! One just passed away yesterday, and another one left today! Why has the cultivation level of the Golden Continent suddenly become so high?"

Huang Yueli twitched the corners of her mouth slightly when she heard the words, and followed the map guide on the "Overview of the God Realm" to walk towards Shenghuangzhou without stopping.

Shenghuangzhou is not close to Youyu Town, and there are seven or eight small towns on the way. The journey will take at least 20 days.

Just as Huang Yueli was trying to hurry, an old man with white hair was anxiously pacing back and forth in the mansion of the mayor of Youyu Town.

Huang Sanbai glared fiercely at the direct disciple standing at the door with his head bowed, and said angrily: "I didn't find it, I didn't find it, I still didn't find it! Can't you answer me in another word? It's just a young girl, You just ascended, you don’t have much experience, and you have seen her before, how could you not find anyone after searching for so long?”

The forehead of the direct disciple Huang Jingyuan was covered with cold sweat, and he wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart.

Huang Sanbai usually looks kind and patient, he is a respectable old man, he has never shown such a fierce expression!

Moreover, Huang Yueli could not be found, could he be blamed for this matter?

Originally, when Huang Sanbai and Huang Yueli left, both of them were still intact, but when Huang Sanbai returned to the spaceship again, his whole body was injured, even the mount Qing that was borrowed from the clan Luan is gone!

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