Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2880 Where is Huang Yueli? (2)

A trace of coldness flashed across Huang Sanbai's eyes.

Fortunately, these people under him are simple-minded, and his own reputation in the clan has always been very good, so he hasn't aroused anyone's suspicion yet.

However, he must hurry up...

Otherwise, the news will be sent back to Ling Yuefeng sooner or later...

At this moment, there was a burst of anxious shouting from the door of the room.

"It's not good, it's not good! Master, something big is not good!"

Immediately afterwards, Huang Jingyuan, who had just exited the room, rushed in again, with a flustered expression on his face, and almost tripped over the threshold!

"What are you doing? You're in a panic! Didn't you tell me to find someone?" Huang Sanbai frowned and said angrily.

As soon as Huang Jingyuan entered the door, he said eagerly: "Master, something is really wrong! It's... It's people from the Yunlin clan who came! As soon as the disciple went out just now, he saw a boat engraved with the totem of the Yunlin clan. The spaceship fell from the sky!"

Huang Sanbai was stunned, "People from the Yunlin clan? Why did they come to Youyu Town? Youyu Town is not far from our Shenghuang Continent, but it is more than a thousand miles away from Yunlin Continent! They came to do it. What?"

Huang Jingyuan hurriedly reported: "Master, you don't know, they should have come from the Sea of ​​Tongyou! Earlier, Master, you and Miss Li left the Sea of ​​Tongyou first. We packed our bags at the station and were just about to leave. Then I met a group of warriors from the Yunlin tribe who came to the door!"

"Oh? There is such a thing? What are the people of the Yunlin clan going to the Sea of ​​Tongyou?" A bad premonition rose in Huang Sanbai's heart.

Speaking of this, Huang Jingyuan's face was full of anger!

"What else can I do? This group of people is extremely powerful, and the disciples and others are no match for them. As soon as they opened their mouths, they asked where our god-level genius is! I don't know where they got the news. You rushed here to make trouble! Fortunately, Master, you had the foresight to take Miss Li away early, otherwise... uh!"

Huang Jingyuan suddenly remembered that Huang Yueli had disappeared in the end, so he hurriedly stopped talking.

However, Huang Sanbai had already figured out the matter, so he couldn't help feeling extremely puzzled.

It's no surprise that the Yunlin tribe can know that they have a god-level genius. However, the Yunlin tribe has always been the most proud of the ancient gods. ah?

This time, the food was so ugly, and even forced to question ordinary members of the Holy Phoenix Clan...

Huang Sanbai was surprised, but a sneer gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth!

The fact that the Yunlin tribe was so restless this time did him a great favor!

Originally, he was still worried and didn't know how to explain Huang Yueli's disappearance to the patriarch, but now, he was given a ready-made reason!


At this time, on the streets of Youyu Town, Li Moying was listening to the report of his guards with an ugly expression.

"Mr. Moying, this Youyu Town is not big, and my subordinates have searched all the surrounding streets! There is no such girl as you described earlier. According to your previous instructions, my subordinates also specially searched for people from various inns. The shopkeeper inquired, but they all said that among the warriors staying recently, there is no girl you mentioned..."

Li Moying was anxious for a while, "What's going on? How could a person disappear out of thin air!"

He originally thought that Huang Yueli would be taken directly to Shenghuang Continent, but...

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