Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2883 Where is Huang Yueli? (5)

Even Huang Sanbai himself only knew her real name after receiving Huang Yueli!

And the young warrior in front of him is from the Yunlin clan, how could he understand the situation so clearly so quickly!

Huang Sanbai was still thinking, when he heard waves of chaotic footsteps coming from not far away.

Not long after, one figure after another rushed over from the end of the corridor. It turned out that the disciples of the Holy Phoenix Clan rushed out to support after receiving the news.

"Elder Sanbai, are the bastards from the Yunlin clan looking for trouble again?"

"Where is the person? This time we must show those bastards the strength of our Holy Phoenix Clan!"

"Wait, this... this is not the one from the Sea of ​​Nether..."

The warriors of the Holy Phoenix Clan were still aggressive, but when they stopped to take a closer look and found out that it was Li Moying, many of them gasped immediately, unable to even speak.

Huang Sanbai saw that the members of the Holy Phoenix Clan had already arrived, so he didn't bother to think about why Li Moying knew Huang Yueli's name.

He immediately slapped his thigh, pointed at Li Moying and yelled: "Good boy! It turns out that you are the one in Tongyou Sea! How dare you threaten the disciples of our Holy Phoenix Clan, and even chased you to Youyu Town to make trouble It seems that the disappearance of Li girl was conspired by you Yunlin clan! Hurry up and hand over Li girl! Otherwise, don’t blame the old man for being rude to you!”

Li Moying frowned upon hearing this, "What did you say? Huang Yueli is missing?"

His voice was still cold, but there was an imperceptible trace of anxiety in it.

Huang Sanbai sneered, with a sad and indignant expression on his face, "How dare you pretend to be stupid! Isn't it the conspiracy of your Yunlin clan? What? I heard that our Holy Phoenix clan has god-level geniuses, so you can't sit still. You want to take advantage of our god-level geniuses and kill them first? You don’t take the Holy Phoenix Clan seriously at all! Don’t think you can treat us all as fools!”

Hearing this, Li Moying frowned even tighter.

From what Huang Sanbai said, it seems that something happened to Huang Yueli!

Although what Huang Sanbai said was to blame the Yunlin clan for Huang Yueli's disappearance, Li Moying didn't think much about it.

The contradiction between the Yunlin clan and the Holy Phoenix clan is very deep, and I happened to appear near the Sea of ​​Tongyou several times, so it is actually reasonable for the other party to have such an association.

Li Moying pondered for a moment, ignored the warriors from the Holy Phoenix clan who started to clamor, but said to the guards behind him: "Go in and see if Huang Yueli is in the mayor's mansion!"

Although Huang Sanbai "disappeared" one by one, Li Moying could not accept such a result, and would rather the Holy Phoenix Clan hide Huang Yueli!

If Huang Yueli was really attacked and disappeared in the God Realm, he didn't even know what he would do!

Even though he had great trust in the strength of his little Li'er, Huang Yueli had just ascended to the ascension after all, so she had almost no understanding of the God Realm!

Once something unexpected happens, the possibility of successfully escaping is really not high!

Moreover, the Holy Phoenix Clan sent people to protect her, but they failed to bring her back...

It's hard to imagine what hardships his little Li'er is going through now!

Li Moying's guards responded "yes" one after another, and rushed to the backyard of the mayor's mansion.

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