Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2886 Was it you just now? (3)

They formed a circle, blocking all exits from the mayor's mansion.

Everyone drew out their weapons, assumed an attacking posture, and stared nervously at Li Moying.

Just when Huang Sanbai was about to make a move, there was a sudden harsh sound of reprimand from the yard.

"Presumptuous! The trash of the Holy Phoenix Clan, you still want to do something to us, Mr. Moying? It's beyond our control!"

The mayor's mansion is not very big. The guards who rushed in to search it just now have searched it carefully and ran out again.

As soon as he arrived in the courtyard, he saw warriors from the Holy Phoenix tribe besieging their young master, so he rushed to Li Moying's side to escort him.

The leading guard stood in front of Li Moying, lowered his voice, and said nervously: "My lord, this old guy Huang Sanbai is one of the famous masters of the Holy Phoenix Clan, he is not easy to deal with, you should not confront him head-on! Wait for the subordinates to block his attack, and you will leave here first..."

The expression on Li Moying's face did not change at all, as if he was not aware of the danger around him at all.

He opened his mouth in a cold voice, but what he asked was: "Have you seen that god-level genius of the Holy Phoenix Clan?"

The guard was stunned, and hurriedly said: "No, I didn't see it! There are all the mayor's female relatives inside, and all the fighters of the Holy Phoenix Clan have already voluntarily ran out..."

Hearing this, Li Moying's heart tightened suddenly!

His family's little Li'er has really disappeared! !

Before, he still had an extravagant hope in his heart, thinking that maybe the members of the Holy Phoenix Clan hid Huang Yueli, but now... the facts are in front of him, he has no way to find a reason to deceive himself!

Li Moying gritted her teeth hard, and said, "Huang Sanbai! Didn't you personally bring Huang Yueli back to Shenghuang Continent? A majestic elder at the Dao Profound Realm, but he can't even protect the geniuses in his clan? On the way What happened? What happened to her??"

Seeing Li Moying's excited appearance, everyone present, whether they were warriors from the Yunlin clan or the Holy Phoenix clan, were very surprised!

Today, Li Moying looked dignified and aloof from beginning to end, as if nothing could cause waves in his heart.

Even being besieged by so many warriors, he was completely unmoved.

But now, when he heard that Huang Yueli was missing, he suddenly became so impulsive?

Huang Sanbai was also very surprised, but when he recalled all the things that happened before, he quickly misunderstood, thinking that Li Moying wanted to explain clearly in front of the warriors of the Holy Phoenix Clan because he was afraid that he would be blamed.

Naturally, he couldn't allow such a thing to happen, and immediately said: "Shut up! You kid is still pretending to be stupid? What happened on the road, don't you know? We just encountered a surprise attack from the Yunlin tribe, and the old man was seriously injured and unconscious. After waking up, Li girl has disappeared! She must have been captured by your Yunlin tribe!"

Li Moying frowned, and before he could speak, the guard beside him couldn't help but screamed.

"You old man, don't pour dirty water on the heads of our Yunlin tribe! We didn't even see the shadow of that god-level genius, how could we capture her? God knows who attacked you? A martial artist in the Profound Realm, didn’t even see who the attacker was? It’s just too ridiculous!"

The guards looked resentful, but they didn't suspect at all that it was Huang Sanbai who guarded and stole himself and hurt Huang Yueli.

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