Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2905 think too much (1)

Fortunately, she had made preparations before she came, and sold a lot of treasures in the Tianhuang Jue to collect a large sum of crystal jade.

She picked and picked, selected some classics on introductory theory, and bought them.

The Spirit Artifact Master who received her was always by her side, and originally wanted to show off her skill in refining artefacts, so she recommended a few books to Huang Yueli.

As a result, as soon as Huang Yueli entered, she didn't even look at him at all, she just scanned all the books on the bookshelf, took down a few books, and asked for the bill.

"Hey, wait! Don't choose randomly! There are so many books here, how do you know which ones are suitable for you? Listen to me..."

The receptionist yelled and looked over his head.

When he saw clearly the stack of books in Huang Yueli's hands, he was instantly speechless.

The few books that Huang Yueli selected happened to be the most suitable for beginners, and they used both theoretical and practical content, step by step, and the combination couldn't be more reasonable!

"" The receptionist was tongue-tied.

Huang Yueli glanced at him, "What's wrong? Is there any problem? I should be able to buy all the books here, right?"

"Yes, of can..."

The receptionist couldn't figure it out, how could this kid's vision be so accurate?

Could it be that he actually has a master, but he deliberately didn't tell the people in Tianbao Liuli Pavilion?

Huang Yueli didn't have time to worry about what he was thinking, she had been thinking about how to buy what she needed most with the least amount of crystal jade.

Although after selling the treasures, she has a lot of crystal jade in her hand, compared with ordinary warriors in the God Realm, she is not considered poor.

However, no matter in the lower realm or in the god realm, crafting is the most expensive craft!

In the process of practicing, it is not an exaggeration to say that money is like running water!

Therefore, most of the high-level craftsmen are cultivated by big forces spending money. If you want to become a high-level craftsman on your own, unless you are a peerless genius, otherwise, even if you have gold and silver at home, it is not enough to spend. !

Now, she is learning the art of refining spirit weapons in the God Realm, starting from scratch, and the money to be spent is naturally terrifying.

Huang Yueli originally read a lot of books, and the classics here are very new to her, a martial artist from the lower realms. Before she changed, she would definitely buy them all and read them slowly!

But now...

Huang Yueli touched her empty wallet, crying silently in her heart.

Finally, I know what the life of the poor is like!

Stuffed! depressed!

As a last resort, she could only pick out the most useful ones and buy them, and she would use the remaining crystal jade to buy materials for refining weapons!

After paying the bill, Huang Yueli turned around and went to the material selling room next door.

The receptionist thought that she would leave after buying the books, but she didn't expect that she would go to buy materials right away, and was taken aback for a moment before quickly chasing after her.

"Hey, you... what materials are you buying now? You should read those books first, prepare well, and pass a few apprenticeship exams! The materials you buy now are for nothing. If you don't even have the apprenticeship exams If it fails, it is impossible to refine a spirit weapon!"

Huang Yueli shrugged disapprovingly, "It's okay, I'll just buy it for fun, if I can't do it, I won't be able to do it!"

She didn't want to explain more, and she couldn't explain it.

Only in the future when the spirit weapon is refined, let the facts speak for themselves.

The receptionist's eyes widened, "I'll go, you really are a local tyrant!"

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