Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2908 think too much (4)

In their hearts, this is absolutely impossible!

After Huang Yueli finished shopping for the materials, she checked that there was nothing missing, and then left straight away.

After leaving Tianbao Liuli Pavilion, the first thing Huang Yueli did was to find the largest inn in Huofang City and stay in it.

The shopkeeper saw that she was a plainly dressed Nether Ascendant, and immediately showed a bit of disdain.

"Our Tongfu Inn is the best in the entire Huofang City. The price is naturally not low. If you plan to stay, guest officer, please pay a hundred pieces of middle-grade crystal jade as a deposit!"

One hundred pieces of middle-grade crystal jade is not a small amount for ordinary residents of the God Realm.

If it were this morning, Huang Yueli could still take it out.

But now, she has only dozens of low-grade crystal jades left on her body, and she can hardly afford food, let alone such a high price deposit.

Seeing Huang Yueli's hesitation, the arrogance on the shopkeeper's face became more obvious, "What's the matter? You can't pay the deposit, right? It's just ten days' rent. Didn't you say you'll stay for a month? Is it? You don’t have any money, so you’re not playing with me, are you?”

As soon as the shopkeeper finished speaking, Huang Yueli turned her wrist, took out a badge from the interspatial ring, and handed it to him.

"I am a dignified apprentice spirit tool master, can I still owe money? If you are really worried, shopkeeper, I will press my apprentice badge here. If you can't pay the money, you can go to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion to ask for it." Yes, what do you think?"

The shopkeeper was shocked when he saw the badge of the spirit weapon master apprentice!

Although there is still a big gap between apprentices and real spirit weapon masters, their status in the eyes of ordinary people is already very high.

To be able to obtain an apprentice badge at least shows that the person in front of him has both gold and fire elements, at least both of them are talents above the human level genius!

This kind of talent, even if one cannot become a Spirit Artifact Master, one will sooner or later be able to become a martial artist of the Mind Profound Realm just for cultivation. In a place like Huofang City, he was already considered a master.

Besides, to become an apprentice spirit weapon master, one has to be led in by a master. It is absolutely rare for Huang Yueli to go to the door and pass the test by himself.

The shopkeeper took it for granted that behind Huang Yueli there must be a spirit weapon master as his master.

Spirit Artifact Master...that must be a wealthy local tyrant!

How could he let his apprentice renege on his bills at the inn?

Thinking about it this way, the shopkeeper seemed to have changed his face, and his attitude immediately became extremely polite, "Oh, it turns out that he is the apprentice of the spiritual weapon master of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion! No wonder I think this little brother has an extraordinary temperament, and his whole body is full of style. Come inside, please! The room you want is at the innermost part of the second floor, it is absolutely quiet and spacious enough!"

Huang Yueli played with the apprentice badge with her right hand, and asked slowly: "Then...the deposit..."

"Forget about the deposit! You can stay as long as you like, and you can settle the bill when you leave!" the shopkeeper said hastily.

Only then did Huang Yueli nodded in satisfaction, put away her badge, and followed Xiao Er who was leading the way to the upper room.

When she entered the room and there was no one around, she curled her lips secretly.

"I didn't expect that the identity of a spiritual weapon master apprentice is so useful! The status of Tianbao Liuli Pavilion is really beyond my expectation..."

She sighed for a moment, then cheered up.

"Although I have lost the deposit now, I still have to pay the rent when I leave. Therefore, I must hurry up and refine some spiritual weapons as soon as possible to sell them for money!"

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