Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2914 One month later (2)

It seemed that the person who killed the high-level spirit beast in one fell swoop just now was not him at all.

Hearing the constant exclamation of the guards, he glanced at the corpse of the golden eagle beside him, and said, "Dispose of the corpse of the golden eagle!"

"Yes, son!"

In fact, without his orders, Li Tianyi and the others had already started to do it.

For a high-level spiritual beast like the Split Feather Golden Eagle, there is no part of its body that is not a treasure. A feather and a bottle of blood are all rare high-level materials that can be used for refining weapons or alchemy.

After the guards got busy, Li Moying lowered his head, looked at the weapon in his hand, and frowned slightly.

The long sword in his hand had been broken into two when he resisted the attack of the Split Feather Golden Eagle just now!

As the only god-level genius in the family, the Yunlin clan is not stingy with him at all. The long sword in his hand is a real intermediate treasure.

This can only be used by the elders of the ancient gods at the first level. It is very difficult for Daoxuan realm warriors of ordinary forces to get it, let alone Xinxuan realm warriors. Even if others sell their iron, they don't even think about buying a quasi-treasure. arrive.

Today, thanks to such a magical weapon in his hand, he was able to kill the Split Feather Golden Eagle smoothly.

Seeing Li Moying's ecstasy, Li Tianyi thought he was feeling sorry for the damaged treasure, and hurriedly persuaded him: "Mr. Moying, it's just a middle-level treasure. For a big family like the Yunlin clan, it is not worth mentioning at all! You are the most important wealth of the Yunlin clan. It is nothing if a treasure is broken. It can save your life, even if it is a hundred or a thousand pieces Treasures are also worth it!"

What Li Tianyi said was not an exaggeration at all.

What Li Moying represents is the fate of the Yunlin clan for thousands of years in the future, and a little injury can make the whole family jump.

However, after hearing this, Li Moying did not relax her eyebrows.

He was silent for a moment, and suddenly sighed: "I never thought that although the treasures of the God Realm are powerful, they would break down so quickly. The long sword I used in the Lower Realm back then has been used for decades without any damage... ..."

Li Moying wasn't feeling sorry for any mid-level treasure at all, but seeing the broken sword in his hand, he suddenly thought of the Xuanbing that Huang Yueli made for him in the past.

In his previous life, he had always used the ninth-level profound weapon refined by Huang Yueli, but it was damaged and broken during the process of splitting his soul.

In this life, the Purple Light Sword that Huang Yueli gave him was also broken in two during the Heavenly Tribulation.

It seems that every time the weapon Huang Yueli sent him is damaged, it indicates that the two will be separated for a long time...

In the past, when the two separated, he only needed to hold the weapon Huang Yueli gave him, as if his little Li'er was still by his side, fighting side by side with him.

But now, all he can use are the weapons assigned to him by the family.

No matter how powerful it is and how high its level is, what is the use?

Only his little Li'er knows him best, knows what kind of weapon is most suitable for him, and can maximize his strength!

Li Tianyi didn't know what Li Moying was thinking, seeing him in a daze, he could only persuade him indiscriminately.

"Young master, if you feel that the weapons already in your family are not convenient, you can ask the Tianbao Grandmaster in your family to refine one for you when you go back this time. The tail feathers and spine of the split-feather golden eagle are important treasure materials. , just take it back this time!"

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