Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2916 One month later (4)

Holy Phoenix Continent, Fire Square City.

In the upper room of Tongfu Inn, Huang Yueli closed her eyes tightly and was concentrating on refining the spiritual weapon.

At this moment, Huang Yueli looked quite embarrassed, her clothes were wrinkled, and there was a lot of dust on her face.

Since she entered the upper room and began to study the method of refining spiritual weapons, she never went out again, nor did she take a bath.

In fact, her mind was all on refining the weapon, and she had long since forgotten about other insignificant things.

With a "boom", a tongue of flame protruded from the spirit weapon furnace, bursting out with a strong light, and then slowly extinguished.

"It's done, it's done! This Frost Moon Hook has finally been successfully refined! This is the most complicated kind of low-level spiritual weapon I have refined this time. Fortunately, I have enough patience..."

Looking at the unique and sharp weapon in the refining furnace, Huang Yueli felt bursts of joy in her heart.

During this retreat, she successfully refined several low-level spiritual weapons, all of which are very popular weapons in the God Realm.

Among them, for the simplest ones, she succeeded directly in the first refinement, and two sets were refined out of two materials, with a success rate of 10%.

But the more complicated ones later on were quite a test of her endurance and control over her profound strength. She couldn't grasp the trick at first, and even failed once, only to complete it successfully the second time.

Regarding this, Huang Yueli felt somewhat frustrated.

"Refining spiritual weapons is still much more difficult than I imagined! Fortunately, I bought two copies of the materials in advance, otherwise I would have wasted my efforts and can't refine anything!"

Huang Yueli secretly complained in her heart, but she never thought that her current success rate is already very scary!

If it gets out, it will definitely be worshiped by all spirit weapon masters.

So far, all the spirit weapon materials that Huang Yueli bought in Tianbao Liuli Pavilion have been used up.

Huang Yueli had nothing to do, she could only extinguish the Phoenix True Fire in the spirit weapon furnace, stretched herself, and stood up.

"It's been a long time since I went out, and I feel like my body is about to get moldy, so let's go for a walk."

She took a shower, changed her face again, and then walked out.

When I got downstairs, I was stopped by the shopkeeper of the inn.

"Guest officer, you have lived in our inn for a whole month. Will you continue to stay? Or do you want to check out? Our small shop is a little out of order. I still need to ask you to pay for this month's rent. End it..."

When Huang Yueli heard this, the smile on her face froze instantly.

"What? What did you say? It's been a month! Time flies so fast!" Huang Yueli's eyes widened.

The shopkeeper nodded, "Isn't it?"

Huang Yueli jumped up all of a sudden, "Oops, it's already been a month! Fortunately, I got out of the customs in time, otherwise, I would have missed Master Xiao's lecture!"

She looked at the sky outside and found that it was still morning, so she ran out immediately and rushed to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion.

"Wait, guest officer, your rent..."

The shopkeeper wanted to stop her, but Huang Yueli's cultivation level was higher than his, so she ran away without a trace, leaving only the shopkeeper standing there with an ugly expression.

"What's the matter with this guy? When he came here, he didn't even pay the deposit. I think it's okay for him to be an apprentice spirit weapon master. However, he lived here for a month without even having a door. It’s been out, and now it’s gone straight away! It’s not really here to cheat money, is it?”

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