Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2924 This is a genius! (2)

"Wow, what's that?"

"It's amazing, she actually took out three middle-grade spirit weapons at the same time!"

"It's more than that! I have never seen these spiritual weapons of Miss Le's on the map!"

When Li Leyun's spiritual weapon appeared, everyone was shocked.

Even Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows in surprise.

The three spiritual weapons that Li Leyun took out were all long swords, and none of them were on the map she had seen. They were obviously much more advanced than ordinary standard spiritual weapons.

Master Xiao's eyes also brightened, "These three long swords... this is the first time I've seen them! It seems that they should be special maps collected by some powerful forces, right? If the old man reads correctly, these three long swords, The attack power is more than 30% higher than the standard spirit weapons, and they should all have additional profound skills!"

Li Leyun felt even more proud when he heard Master Xiao mentioning the advantages of her spirit weapon at once, raised her chin high, and glanced around the audience with disdain.

With her talent and strength, it is really a shame to sit and attend lectures with these human spirit weapon masters!

"Master Xiao, you really have a good eye! These three long swords of mine were all refined according to the secret diagrams handed down in my family. These diagrams are very complicated, and it took me a lot of effort to refine them successfully. "

Li Leyun's words sounded plain, but in fact, they were showing off faintly, waiting for Master Xiao to praise her.

Unexpectedly, Master Xiao focused on Li Leyun's three weapons for a long time, and suddenly frowned.

"The maps of your three weapons are indeed extraordinary! But..."

"But what?" Li Leyun asked unexpectedly.

"However, your refining technique is obviously very unfamiliar, and the details of the force field are handled very rough, not to mention, there are several array patterns that are fundamentally wrong!"

As he said that, Master Xiao shook his head with a regretful expression, "It was a waste of you to use such an exquisite atlas, and so many high-level spirit weapon materials, but only make such a spirit weapon! What a waste! It's such a waste!"

Hearing Master Xiao's evaluation, everyone was stunned.

Li Leyun blushed even more, " actually said that to me! I'm just an intermediate spirit weapon master, and there are very few who can refine such a spirit weapon! I'm already considered a genius! "

When she was in the Yunlin Clan, she was always praised by the Tianbao masters in the family. How could anyone say that the spirit weapon she refined was not good!

Now that Master Xiao said this, she was so angry that she couldn't bear it any longer!

Master Xiao was not a fuel-efficient lamp either, so he immediately snorted coldly, "What? You are still not convinced when I say you? You are better than that kid just now, but you really can't be called a genius in refining weapons! You know How many mistakes did you make in refining these spiritual weapons? Everyone, look here..."

Master Xiao was too lazy to be serious with Li Leyun at first, but now that she dared to refute him, he immediately got excited, picked out all the mistakes that Li Leyun made, and began to talk endlessly.

He kept talking for half an hour before taking a sip of water, "Let's stop here first, you've made so many low-level mistakes! How dare you call him a genius?"

Li Leyun's face was already red and her ears were red at this time, and she was angry in her heart, but she couldn't say anything to refute, she was extremely aggrieved!

Thank you [Little Sunflower] for the reward of 10,000 book coins! There are too many things happening recently, and the explosion is estimated to be next month~

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