Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2926 This is a genius! (4)

What? !

Does anyone really dare to ask Master Xiao for a review? ?

Hearing this voice, all the spirit weapon masters present, including Master Bai and President Gao, froze in place.

Everyone had the same thought in their minds: Could it be that, among the spirit weapon masters who came today, there are still hidden geniuses who are more powerful than Miss Le? Otherwise, who would dare to follow Miss Le to ask for comments? Isn't that waiting to be slapped in the face?

President Gao was about to announce that the lecture was over, but he kept the words in his mouth, and was choked back abruptly.

He coughed hastily, "Ahem, who is the spiritual weapon master who wants to go on stage? There is no line now, so you can come up directly!"

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking around, trying to find that "great genius" in the crowd.

Even Li Leyun stopped in her tracks and turned around, wanting to see which spiritual weapon master claimed to be more talented than her!

A figure stood up slowly from the corner, then strode towards the podium.

Everyone took a closer look, their eyes widened, and their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

"This... this... who is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"I haven't seen it either!"

"A lot of spiritual weapon masters from other places came here today. It's normal not to have seen one, but... look at her chest, it's the badge of a spiritual weapon master's apprentice!"

"Yes, it's really an apprentice spirit weapon master!"

"A guy who doesn't even count as a spirit weapon master wants to ask Master Xiao for advice? Isn't she crazy?"

"Hahahaha, this is fun, it's really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers! Miss Le was scolded by Master Xiao, he doesn't know if he will be kicked out directly!"

Originally, the atmosphere in the courtyard was very depressing, but seeing such a funny guy appearing, the spirit weapon masters immediately relaxed.

Even Li Leyun felt that she was not so ashamed anymore, and secretly called God help me!

This guy will definitely be scolded by Master Xiao to doubt her life later, and by then, she won't be the most embarrassing one!

Thinking of this, Li Leyun left in no hurry, and leaned against the door, waiting to see how embarrassing this unlucky guy would be!

Seeing Huang Yueli walking out from the corner, Master Bai couldn't help frowning.

When she got closer, Master Bai rushed forward and said, "Xiao Li, why is it you? This is not a place for you to mess around! Master Xiao said at the beginning that today only spiritual weapon masters are allowed to bring their own refining Spirit Artifacts come to ask for advice, so don’t join in the fun! Hurry up and get down!”

Master Bai looked serious and spoke harshly.

However, Huang Yueli knew that this master wanted to drive her away because he admired her talent and was afraid that she would not be able to stand being scolded by Master Xiao.

Therefore, Huang Yueli smiled nonchalantly, and said: "Master Bai, you are worrying too much! This junior knows how to behave, since he came to ask Master Xiao for advice, he naturally brought the spirit weapon he made!"

"You made a spiritual weapon??" Master Bai stared at her with a ghostly expression on his face, "Xiao Li, stop talking nonsense! What Master Xiao hates the most is young people who think too much of themselves!"

The spirit weapon masters in the audience also laughed.

Can an Apprentice Spirit Artifact Master come up with a Spirit Artifact? What are you kidding?

If she could really refine spirit weapons, she might have applied for the badge of a spirit weapon master long ago, right?

Huang Yueli didn't make unnecessary explanations, she looked indifferent, raised her right hand, and three spiritual artifacts appeared on the podium.

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