Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2928 This is a genius! (6)

Master Xiao's reaction like this was really beyond everyone's expectations.

The spirit weapon masters in the audience stared at the stage with gaping mouths, unable to even make a sound!

They must be dreaming, right? Absolutely dreaming!

Master Xiao, the master of Tianbao who is well-known in the entire God Realm, and Master Xiao who has always been known for his arrogant personality, actually... would treat a spiritual weapon master apprentice with such courtesy!

What's more, he also praised his refining techniques as "amazing skills"!

Did they get it wrong? Or met a fake Master Xiao?

How could this kind of thing happen?

While everyone was in a trance, Huang Yueli remained calm and composed.

When Master Xiao saluted her, Huang Yueli was also taken aback, but she calmed down very quickly, and politely returned the salute: "Master Xiao, you've been honored! I just started learning the method of refining spiritual weapons , there are still many things I don't understand, and I want to ask you for advice!"

"Just started studying?" Master Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

However, Master Xiao didn't think much about it, and felt that this was just a young man's self-effacing words. After all, compared with an old man of hundreds of years like him, a young man in his thirties, even if he started from ten years old Learning Spirit Artifact Art can be regarded as "just beginning to learn".

"You are so humble! Your spirit weapon refining method is self-contained, and many innovations have greatly enhanced the original power of the spirit weapon! There are many improvements, even the old man is the first time I have seen it. It’s really an eye-opener! I don’t know which master your Excellency is from?”

Master Xiao's first reaction was that Huang Yueli worshiped a very powerful master who taught her these unique techniques.

Huang Yueli squinted her eyes, not knowing how to answer for a while.

She never expected that the spirit weapon she refined would be highly appraised by Master Xiao, and she was prepared to be criticized by Master Xiao.

After all, it was only the first time refining a spirit weapon, and it was understandable that it had flaws.

Now, Master Xiao actually praised her so highly, Huang Yueli regretted it for a moment.

Originally, in order to hide her identity, she had deliberately kept a low profile, but she didn't expect that she would get such a big limelight by being inattentive!

If she had known before coming here, she would have researched the famous Tianbao masters in the God Realm, and now she can just give a name and pretend to be the other party's apprentice to perfunctory! Then slip away from Huofang City tomorrow!

Huang Yueli was still hesitating, but Master Xiao frowned again and said: "No, no, no, no! I know all the famous spirit weapon masters in the God Realm, and I am also familiar with their styles. There is no one like you... ...Could it be that these techniques are all your original creations??"

Seeing this, Huang Yueli hurriedly said: "Master Xiao, don't guess, my master has been hidden for many years! Even if I tell you, you probably don't know him, and besides, he won't allow me to reveal his identity."

Master Xiao became excited when he heard the words, "Which master is your master? Could it be that he has already advanced to the Ming Xuan Realm? Can you let me meet him and ask for advice in person?"

Regarding the master Huang Yueli said casually, Master Xiao had no doubts at all.

Because, Huang Yueli looks really too young!

Although she has disguised herself as a bone age in her thirties through disguise, but in the God Realm, this age can only be regarded as just coming of age.

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