Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2930 extra people (2)

If he can't see Huang Yueli's master, then only Huang Yueli can answer the doubts in his heart.

Thinking of this, Master Xiao grabbed Huang Yueli's sleeve.

"Well, since the old man doesn't want to see people, I can't force it. Then... Mr. Li, since you showed me these spiritual weapons, you must want to discuss with me the method of refining spiritual weapons! Then Let's find a quiet place and discuss it!"

As he said that, he tugged on Huang Yueli's sleeve and wanted to walk inside.

"Uh, this..."

To be honest, Huang Yueli was a little intimidated by Master Xiao's excessive enthusiasm!

She still doesn't understand what's wrong with the spirit weapon she refined, which would make Master Xiao so shocked!

She clearly remembered that she refined it strictly according to the map of the standard spirit weapon?

Although she made a little improvement herself, after all, she lacked experience, so Huang Yueli didn't consciously change much...

Now, Master Xiao is so enthusiastic, as if her spirit weapon is really amazing, this is really unexpected...

Li Leyun, who was standing at the door, had a panoramic view of Huang Yueli's dazed look.

She stayed here because she wanted to see Huang Yueli's jokes, but who knew that the development of the matter was completely opposite to what she expected!

The spirit weapon Huang Yueli took out was not despised by Master Xiao, on the contrary, Master Xiao treated it with such caution!

Not only did he praise Huang Yueli's spirit weapon to the sky, but he also wanted to discuss with her the method of refining the spirit weapon!

This simply put Huang Yueli on an equal footing with her!

However, Li Leyun couldn't figure it out, that thin guy was just an apprentice spirit weapon master! How could he be able to make Master Xiao treat him like this?

Moreover, the three spirit weapons he took out didn't look out of the ordinary, they were all standard spirit weapons?

Seeing that Huang Yueli and Master Xiao were about to leave, Li Leyun couldn't bear it anymore, took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute!"

Her voice was loud and unexpected, and everyone present couldn't help but look back at her.

President Gao looked up and said in surprise, "Miss Le? Why are you still here? Haven't you already left?"

Hearing this, Li Leyun almost spat out a mouthful of blood!

Hearing this, it seemed like she wished she had already left!

When she came here, she was still a genius in the spotlight, but now, she has become a completely redundant person!

It's all the country boy's fault!

Li Leyun's cold eyes fell on Huang Yue's ordinary face after she changed her appearance.

"Master Xiao, President Gao, I really don't understand, what is so special about the spirit weapon brought by Li... Li's apprentice spirit weapon master? The three spirit weapons I brought just now, They were all carefully refined by me according to the secret atlas, and they were all worthless by Master Xiao! And now? That guy took out three standard spirit weapons, and Master Xiao praised them so much! What is the reason for this?"

Her voice echoed throughout the yard.

Hearing these words, the Spirit Artifact Masters, who were discussing a lot, also quieted down.

In fact, there are many people who have this question, but no one dares to make a mistake in front of several Tianbao masters, so no one dares to ask questions.

Now, since Li Leyun asked, everyone pricked up their ears.

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