Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2933 Unable to copy (1)

This testing mechanism can test the power of all spiritual weapons.

As long as it has not reached the level of a treasure, even a super-spiritual weapon can be tested on this mechanism.

Sometimes, when testing some high-level spiritual weapons or super-spiritual energy, it is true that the power of the spiritual weapons is too great, causing cracks to appear.

but now……

Now Master Xiao is only testing low-level spirit weapons!

How could a low-level spiritual weapon leave traces on the testing mechanism? It is still a standard low-level spiritual weapon!

If it weren't for the fact that everyone saw Master Xiao picking up the long sword and walking over with their own eyes just now, some people would think that he secretly dropped the bag!

At this time, the test results have also come out.

"The power increase is 70%!" Master Xiao looked at the imprint on the testing mechanism, showing a hint of a smile, "Sure enough, the result is similar to the old man's estimation! Ordinary standard low-level spiritual weapons can increase the attack power by about 30%. Those special maps It can be increased by another 10% on this basis! If I let the old man refine it, it can probably increase the power to more than 60%!"

He paused, and turned his gaze to Huang Yueli, "However, the 70% increase! This is something that even I can't do! It's the result that Mr. Li can achieve with his unique refining technique."

The spirit weapon masters were completely shocked when they saw this result!

No one thought that the spirit weapon that Huang Yueli refined would be so powerful!

A long sword that is not surprising on the surface has such a powerful power, which is completely beyond their imagination!

Even Master Xiao admitted that he couldn't do this!

Huang Yueli blinked her eyes, and finally understood what was going on.

She probably knew the power of her spirit weapon, but she didn't expect that Master Xiao couldn't refine a low-level spirit weapon with similar power to hers.

It's no wonder Master Xiao appreciates her so much!

Master Xiao put down the long sword, put on the other two spiritual weapons, and tested them one by one. The results were shocking!

"The armor increases the defense power by 60%! Spirit treasures are used to increase the recovery speed of profound strength, which is more than 50% faster than ordinary standard spirit treasures!"

Master Xiao's tests were all done under the watchful eyes of everyone, and he couldn't fake it at all.

Shocking results came out of his old man's mouth one after another, as if they were set in stone, making it impossible to raise any doubts.

The spirit weapon masters all lowered their heads without saying a word, the shock in their hearts is beyond words!

Why is it that it is also a low-level standard spirit tool, but someone can make it have such a powerful power?

No wonder Master Xiao looked down upon Ji Yuankang and Li Leyun at all before. Compared with the spiritual weapons refined by Huang Yueli, their works are indeed all unsightly garbage!

"But... I really don't understand why Mr. Li is able to make the standard spirit weapon so powerful? What... is the mystery in it?"

Master Bai, who was standing aside, finally couldn't help asking out the doubts in his heart, and it was also the doubts in everyone's hearts.

However, as soon as he blurted out, he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just asking casually, please don't mind Mr. Li!"

For spirit weapon masters, their unique refining techniques are their greatest secrets, and no one else can ask them casually.

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