Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2954 Who suffers more? (4)

It seems that there is an invisible light released from the sword body.

All three showed admiration, forgot to say anything, and stared at the long sword without blinking.

Seeing that they were engrossed, Huang Yueli shrugged casually and continued to refine the next spiritual weapon.

When the three of them came back to their senses, they found that Huang Yueli was on fire again, and couldn't help but look at each other.

President Gao said in surprise: "Why does Mr. Li continue refining without taking a break? Can his body hold up?"

Refining a spiritual weapon is definitely a labor-intensive job, requiring a lot of profound strength, physical strength and mental strength.

Therefore, the spirit weapon master himself will spend a certain amount of time practicing, not mainly for fighting, but for having enough ability to support high-intensity refining.

The more complex the spiritual weapon, the more energy it consumes.

Spiritual weapons like Huang Yueli's unique method of refining are more powerful than ordinary spiritual weapons. Naturally, the refining process is more complicated.

Through Tianhuang Jue, Huang Yueli suppressed her cultivation at the early stage of the Tenth Realm.

Therefore, in the opinion of President Gao and others, with her cultivation level, just refining a long sword should make her fall down!

Unexpectedly, she didn't seem to consume much, she didn't even bother to drink her saliva, and continued to refine the second spiritual weapon.

Master Bai was also a little worried, and frowned, "Mr. Li, is this okay? Even if he is in a hurry, he can't waste his body like this? He just needs to refine a few more! If this goes on, what if Passed out halfway through refining, maybe his chest will explode again! Shall I persuade him? Master Xiao, what do you think?"

Master Bai said, and turned to look at Master Xiao beside him.

However, Master Xiao seemed to have not heard his words at all, still holding the long sword in both hands, staring at it intently.

President Gao also felt strange, and asked, "Master Xiao, what are you looking at? Is there something wrong with this sword?"

"What's the problem? It's a big problem!" Master Xiao jumped up suddenly, holding the long sword, and ran towards the courtyard outside, "This kid is really an extremely talented spirit weapon master. No one can match it!"

"Huh? What does that mean??"

Master Bai and President Gao looked at each other, they both looked confused, not knowing what Master Xiao meant.

However, seeing Master Xiao leaving, they quickly chased after him.

Master Xiao ran to the yard, and stopped in front of the organ testing the power of the spiritual weapon.

Only then did Master Bai understand, "It seems that Master Xiao wants to test the power of Mr. Li's newly refined spirit weapon!"

President Gao couldn't help laughing when he saw this, "Old Xiao is really fussy! The spiritual weapon that Mr. Li made temporarily is definitely not as good as the one that was brought out during the speech. That long sword should be made by her before. Among the countless long swords I have, pick the best one! What is Lao Xiao trying to do when he comes here to test? Could it be that he still wants to change it with me if he is not as good as the other one? Change it with him!"

President Gao consciously has seen through Master Xiao!

Speaking of it, Master Xiao is indeed at a disadvantage, but everything has a first come, first come first, especially in business!

It is too wise and witty to ask for a purchase first!

He folded his arms leisurely, watching Master Xiao raised his long sword and slashed at the tester!

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