Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2960 Too despicable and shameless (4)

The realization of this goal should not be too far away!

"Master Xiao, please take inventory of these spiritual artifacts. If there are no problems, we can trade them!"

Master Xiao didn't even look at it, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Li, I have already checked all these spiritual weapons, and each one is the best of the best! Unexpectedly, you can teach me on the spot Using all the skills, this understanding is really amazing!"

To be praised by a top Tianbao Grandmaster like Master Xiao, instead of other Spirit Artifact Masters, I would be trembling with excitement at this time.

However, Huang Yueli just twitched the corners of her lips, and said politely: "Master Xiao, you are really flattering yourself! Do you think there is any problem with these spirit weapons?"

Hearing Huang Yueli's question again, Master Xiao suddenly said: "Oh, no problem, no problem! Let's settle the bill now!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't take out his pocket, but raised his foot and kicked President Gao beside him, "Old Gao, what are you still doing in a daze? Pay quickly!"

President Gao feels aggrieved!

However, as the saying goes, if you are willing to gamble and admit defeat, it would be even more embarrassing if you reneged!

Besides, he, Grandmaster Tianbao, is actually not short of such a little money...

President Gao was depressed for a while, then took out a black card with a gold border from the interspatial ring.

"There are a total of twenty low-level spiritual weapons here, plus the twenty you gave me, a total of forty pieces, each with two hundred and fifty thousand high-grade crystal jades, adding up, a total of ten million crystal jades, so It’s not easy for you to carry a lot of money, so I put it all in this crystal card.”

Huang Yueli took the crystal card, her eyes lit up, "So, this is the legendary crystal card! This is the first time I've seen it!"

Since her ascension, she has been in many inns and saw wealthy warriors from the God Realm take out crystal cards to pay the bill.

Every time, it will arouse the amazement and envious eyes of the warriors around.

Even the attitude of the shopkeeper and the waiter will become much more respectful.

Unexpectedly, she also has a crystal card now!

Huang Yueli expressed her satisfaction, "Since that's the case, thank you for your hospitality!"

Seeing Huang Yueli's fussy look, the three of them were actually startled by her again.

Crystal cards, in the eyes of ordinary warriors, are a very important thing, but to spirit weapon masters, it is really not a treasure.

As long as you can save 10,000 pieces of high-grade crystal jade in the God Realm Bank at one time, you can get the lowest-level white crystal card. Although the black gold card in Huang Yueli's hand is several grades higher, but with Huang Yueli Judging from Yueli's refining skills, the money she can make in the future is uncountable!

Such a crystal card should not even bother to look at it.

"Okay, pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with one hand. President Gao is really a cheerful person! This cooperation is very pleasant. If you still have such a good business, you can cooperate next time! If there is nothing else, then I will first Take a step!"

Huang Yueli didn't care what the three of them were thinking, she got the money and prepared to leave contentedly.

However, as soon as she took a step, she thought of one more thing and turned around.

"By the way, I almost forgot the most important thing!"

"Master Li, what else is there?"

All three were taken aback.

Huang Yueli turned to President Gao, "President Gao, besides listening to Master Xiao's lecture, the most important thing for me to come to Tianbao Liuli Pavilion this time is to apply for the badge of a spirit weapon master..."

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