Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2962 Too despicable and shameless (6)

"When you moved in earlier, I thought it was strange that a dignified apprentice spirit weapon master would be so poor that he couldn't even pay the deposit? Now it seems that you are really kidding me! Let me tell you, if you If I can’t come up with the money, I’ll just… what, what is this??”

The shopkeeper stared at the black gold crystal card that Huang Yueli handed over to him, his eyes almost popped out!

"Black... black gold crystal card?? This is... is this fake?"

Huang Yueli was speechless for a while when she heard the words, "Can this thing be fake?"

Of course there can be no fake!

There is only one Tianzi bank in the God Realm, which is jointly operated by the twelve ancient god clans, and no one dares to fake it in front of them.


Even an intermediate spirit weapon master might not be able to own a crystal card of this level, let alone an apprentice spirit weapon master?

Thinking of this, the shopkeeper's eyes subconsciously fell on the badge on Huang Yueli's chest, and glanced at it.

Immediately afterwards, he froze, "You...this...this badge...when did you become a spirit weapon master??"

The shopkeeper rubbed his eyes subconsciously, thinking that he had misread it!

A month ago, when Huang Yueli moved in, all she took out was the badge of an apprentice spirit weapon master. After such a short period of time, she has already become a spirit weapon master? ?

You can't be dreaming, can you?

Not only the shopkeeper's face was shocked, but the residents who were watching were also stunned by this scene.

Originally, they just wanted to watch around and see what the origin of the guy who dared to renege on his debts at the Tongfu Inn was. Unexpectedly, they saw a low-grade spiritual weapon master!

Spiritual weapon masters are noble and rare in number. Most warriors grow so big that they have never seen them so close!

"This young man is actually a spirit weapon master!"

"I didn't expect that we were able to live in the same inn as a spirit weapon master. It's a great honor!"

"The innkeeper is really funny. He is a dignified spiritual weapon master, how could he refuse to pay? Besides, even if he doesn't pay, so what, if he is willing to live here, he already thinks highly of Tongfu Inn!"

Discussions continued one after another, and the shopkeeper's face turned red when he heard these words.

A spiritual weapon master apprentice is nothing, but a real spiritual weapon master is not something a businessman like him can afford to offend!

He hurriedly said: "It turns out... Mr. Li, you are actually a spirit weapon master! Why didn't you say it earlier! I offended you today, so please hold your hand high and don't care about a small person like me. I'm really sorry..."

Huang Yueli stood where she was, no matter whether the people around her looked at her with admiration or contempt, her expression did not change.

She tapped lightly on the edge of the table with the edge of the black gold crystal card, "Then the rent during this period..."

"Oh, Mr. Li, what kind of rent are you talking about with me! Just like what the guest officer said just now, it is the honor of the shop if you are willing to come and live..."

Huang Yueli shook her head and interrupted him, "It's just this little rent, can I still take advantage of you? I will pay the rent myself! Help me deduct the crystal jade consumed during this period! By the way, one more day of Jingyu will be deducted, I will stay one more night tonight, and I will leave Huofang City tomorrow."

After hearing what she said, the shopkeeper dared not say anything more.

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