Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 2996 Never succeeded (4)

I have never successfully rescued any warrior!

Li Moying and others followed the warrior for a long time, and finally arrived at the place where the ball of light fell.

Generally speaking, the position where the teleportation light ball appeared from the void was uncertain, but this time, the position where Huang Yueli's light ball appeared was above a forest outside the southern wall of You'an City.

At this time, a large area around was shrouded in demon energy, and the air revealed a dangerous and oppressive atmosphere, which made it almost impossible to breathe.

As soon as the human soldiers arrived, they were scolded by the captain of the team.

"Where did you go, boy? You fell behind when you were on a mission? Can you be a little more responsible? If I find out that you don't obey military orders again, don't blame me for disposing of you!"

The soldiers of the human race hurriedly apologized, and they really wanted to cry but had no tears in their hearts.

At this moment, Li Moying had rushed in, and asked solemnly, "Where did the warriors from Huofang City fall? How is your search going? How many people did you find?"

The captain was stunned when he saw a stranger appearing.

For a moment, he was overwhelmed by Li Moying's condescending aura, and thought that a big man in the army was coming, and he felt nervous for a while.

Unexpectedly, when he took a closer look, he found that neither Li Moying nor his guards were wearing epaulettes, and they were not members of the army at all.

In this way, the captain was not so polite. He frowned and asked, "Who are you? We are soldiers performing military affairs, and idlers have no right to interfere! Don't think that you are a protoss!"

Li Moying frowned, before Li Tianyi had time to say anything, Li Tianyi had already rushed over with a dagger across the captain's neck.

"Stop talking nonsense, how can you ask me about my son's name? If you want to save your life, answer it quickly! How is the rescue situation? Where are the rescued people now? Tell me quickly! If you delay saving people, We have plenty of ways to deal with you!"

He took the first shot because he was afraid that Li Moying would really start a killing spree in You'an City under his impatience. If he could ask, it would prevent Li Moying from taking action himself and losing control of the severity.

The captain didn't expect that these god-clan children who seemed to be sons-in-law were so cruel and powerful. I can't stand it!

Seeing him hesitate, Li Tian thrust the dagger forward, directly cutting the skin on his neck.

The captain trembled all over, "You... who are you? What... what do you want to do? Tell you, even if I die, I will not betray the human race!"

The bottom line for soldiers who have experienced on the battlefield is that they would rather die than betray the human race.

Seeing this, Li Tianer hurriedly stopped Li Tianyi, "Okay, we didn't ask you to betray the human race! Among the warriors sent from Huofangcheng this time, there is a friend of ours who was attacked by the demons. In distress, my son is very anxious, so he is a little impulsive, I am really sorry... If it is convenient, please tell us how the rescue situation is going?"

Li Tianer spoke politely, but Li Tianyi's dagger was still on his neck.

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