Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3084 variables (2)

Hearing this, everyone in the main tent fell silent.

What Xia Yunxi said is very reasonable, and some people have already thought of it.

Even if I didn't think of it at first, after listening to her explanation, I understood it.

Although there are two heavenly demons eyeing the camp now, but because one of them is still advancing, the camp has not yet reached the most dangerous time.

Once another celestial demon leaves the customs, the two celestial demons will join hands to eradicate such a small stronghold, which is a piece of cake. At that time, no matter how they defend, it will actually be useless.

Therefore, Xia Yunxi's point of view is to take the initiative to attack while the other demon is still retreating!

However, this is facing a very real problem, that is - they can't even eliminate a demon! Taking the initiative to attack, there is a great possibility that it will end in a disastrous defeat, and the entire army will be wiped out on the spot...

As the saying goes, if you extend your head with a knife, you will also shrink your head with a knife.

It seems that no matter how you choose, what this camp faces is the result of destruction in the end.

However, people always have the mentality of seeking perfection. Although they know that the result of procrastination is the same, most people will still choose to procrastinate until the moment when they can no longer procrastinate...

"Captain Xia, I can't agree with your point of view! If we take the initiative to attack, the possibility of failure is higher. At that time, the camp will be unable to hold it immediately! But if we adopt a defensive strategy, we can at least hold it for a while!"

"That's right, maybe the demon in the middle stage of the demons failed to advance or even went mad? Then the demons will take the initiative to retreat!"

"We can continue to send people to You'an City for help. Maybe the troops in other strongholds will send people to rescue when they see the request letter!"

Listening to the leaders' chattering words, the expression on Xia Yunxi's face gradually turned cold.

These people only want to survive now, and they dare not take such a big risk! He even had the fluke mentality of being able to be saved suddenly!

However, even if the demon powerhouse failed to advance, would the demon army really retreat?

I am afraid that the greater possibility is that the demons will mobilize and capture more human warriors to go back to refining blood pills to nourish the body of that demon, right?

Besides asking for help, Li Yukun has sent several groups to ask for help, but until now, he has not seen a single reinforcement!

Obviously, if not all the people he sent were intercepted, or the other camps were also attacked by the demons, they couldn't take care of themselves, they couldn't take care of them at all!

In this case, I don't want to actively save myself, but I still have unrealistic fantasies...

Do these people really want to live?

Xia Yunxi didn't bother to argue with those people, but looked at Li Yukun intently.

"Master Shenwei, what do you think?"

Li Yukun hesitated for a while listening to everyone's discussion, and finally said: "Even if you want to take the initiative to attack, you should not act rashly. At least you must have a detailed plan before you act! Recently, we have adopted a defensive strategy first. All the defensive formations in the camp are activated, and no team is allowed to step out of the camp!"

"Master Shenwei is wise!"

"Follow Lord Shenwei's order!"

Hearing such a conclusion, all the commanders breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly agreed.

Xia Yunxi showed a look of disappointment, and retreated.

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