Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3088 dark night (3)

Xia Yunxi nodded and said, "It should be like this!"

Huang Yueli couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"If I remember correctly, it should be the turn of Jing Zhihai from the White Tiger Clan to be in charge of patrolling the camp today, right? Doesn't he consider himself the number one expert under Lord Shenwei? Doesn't he look down on other commanders? The result is There is a problem with the sentry sent by him, and everyone is going to be killed! Can he take this responsibility?"

Xia Yunxi also had an aggrieved expression on his face, "That's right, if he is lucky enough to kill the enemy this time, he must be severely punished!"

Huang Yueli sighed, and said: "It's useless to say these things now, let's find a way to drive these demons out first!"

Xia Yunxi frowned, "I'm afraid this is a bit difficult... The defense of the camp mainly relies on formations and mechanisms. Now the demons have destroyed all our formations, and the demon army is rushing here continuously!"

Huang Yueli thought about it, and said: "The formation is broken, it can still be repaired! Fortunately, I specially went to study the formation in the camp a few days ago... Well, let's go to the defense formation to have a look first!"

Xia Yunxi had no objection.

The two girls looked around, and took advantage of the unpreparedness of the demons, and rushed out of the haystack.

After going around a few tents, Huang Yueli suddenly paused and stopped.

Xia Yunxi followed behind her, but she didn't expect that she would stop suddenly and almost bumped into her back.

"... Yueli? What's wrong with you?"

Huang Yueli said: "I saw an acquaintance... just in time, I was trying to gather the soldiers under me, it's just in time!"

In an open space between the three tents, six or seven soldiers were fighting against the demons with long swords in their hands.

The leader was Wang Yuxin, Huang Yueli's subordinate in the third team.

Xia Yunxi poked his head out for a look, and immediately exclaimed in surprise, "Is this kid one of your subordinates? I can't tell, but he has some skills!"

They ran all the way just now, and the scenes they saw were basically the demons chasing the murderers. Only a small number of human soldiers could fight the demons, and even fewer gained the advantage.

But now, Wang Yuxin and a few teammates are actively chasing the demons!

Moreover, they also formed a formation, surrounded the demons who outnumbered them in the middle, and formed an encirclement by changing the formation, and finally killed them!

Huang Yueli took a few glances from the side, then smiled, nodded and said, "It's true!"

During this period of time, she has been training her team members to familiarize them with various formations, and she also specially instructed several team leaders including Wang Yuxin and Zheng Yichuan.

However, she didn't expect that Wang Yuxin's understanding was so high that in just a few days, he was able to use formations by himself and command his teammates to carry out actual combat!

Seeing Wang Yuxin and the others killed the last demon, Huang Yueli immediately walked over and called them back.

"team leader!!"

Seeing Huang Yueli's appearance, the soldiers all showed expressions of surprise!

Wang Yuxin rushed over and told: "Captain, we have been looking for you! The demons suddenly attacked the camp, and everyone in our team was scattered. Now, I don't know whether it is life or death... Also, Captain , Has the camp been breached? What should we do now...?"

The Terran soldiers all looked terrified.

Huang Yue left her mouth to comfort them and said, "Don't worry, I already have a plan."

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