Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3099 Who is in the formation? (3)

The human warriors in the camp had already given up any hope.

Seeing that the southeast defensive formation and the high platform where the organs are located have been engulfed by thick black smoke, everything seems to be over!

The coalition forces... are really doomed!

But at this moment, a violent shock came from under everyone's feet.

Immediately afterwards, another ray of silver light lit up from the high platform!

This silver light, like the brilliance rising at dawn, tore apart the black magic energy from the middle!

There was already a smug smile on Tianmo Ruixuan's face, but at this moment, his smile froze on his face!

"What... what? How is it possible??"

His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he saw was real!

By the time he reacted and was about to escape, it was already too late!

The distance between Ruixuan and the high platform was already less than 100 meters. After the mechanism was activated, powerful energy blasted to his chest in an instant!

Due to the short distance, the damage caused is much more serious than the previous two attacks!

Rui Xuan's body was blown away in an instant!

After falling several hundred meters in a row, it landed heavily on the gate of the camp.

For a moment, the entire camp fell silent, neither the coalition nor the demons dared to make a sound.

Everyone stared in the direction of the high platform, unable to believe what they saw!

Even Li Yukun felt like he was in a dream.

Of course he knew very well that the silver lights just now were emitted from the mechanism attached to the defensive formation, but even if he knew this, there were still many things he couldn't understand.

Isn't that mechanism only able to attack directly in front of the camp? How could it turn suddenly?

Moreover, he had activated that mechanism countless times before, and never once could it exert such power!

If the Heavenly Demon could be severely injured by just one mechanism, then the defense of the camp would not be so fragile.

What exactly is going on? Could it be that some powerful spiritual weapon masters failed to transform the mechanism?

However, this is also impossible...

Just when everyone was puzzled, a little light suddenly appeared on the high platform.

Tianmo Ruixuan managed to get up from the ground at this moment, and saw the changes on the high platform out of the corner of his eye.

The blood on his face disappeared immediately, "Damn! How many beast cores are there in this camp? That damn mechanism can still be activated?"

He has already suffered serious internal injuries, if he suffers another, maybe he will really have to confess here!

Thinking of this, Rui Xuan gritted his teeth, turned around suddenly, and ran straight out of the camp.

"Lord Ruixuan——!"

Seeing this, the warriors of the Demon Race were all taken aback and couldn't help but scream.

The main general had already fled regardless of their identities, and the remaining demons had no intention of fighting, and hurriedly fled towards the gate of the camp.

The human soldiers didn't react at first, and stood aside in a daze.

Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi jumped down from the high platform, and shouted loudly: "Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and clean up all the demons in the camp!"

Only then did the human soldiers suddenly realize that they raised their weapons and chased after them.

At this time, Wang Yuxin also gathered the warriors of the third and fourth teams almost, and led them to the vicinity of the defensive formation.

Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi led their men respectively to compete for military merit.

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