"It's been such a long time, is it all right? Why does it take so long to get a pulse diagnosis?" He couldn't help urging.

Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows, and was about to stand up to defend her friend again.

At this moment, Xia Yunxi suddenly said, "Master Shenwei's injury is indeed serious, the demonic energy of the Heavenly Demon Ruixuan seems to have a special paralyzing effect, which not only erodes Lord Shenwei's meridians and lungs, but also affects his body. Serious damage was done to the brain too!"

The military doctor who was watching from the side immediately stood up when he heard this.

"The result of my diagnosis and treatment just now is the same! Lord Shenwei's injury is too serious, especially the magic energy has entered his brain, this is really... Sigh!"

The medic let out a long sigh.

The warriors present felt extremely heavy after hearing this.

Since the results of the diagnosis and treatment of the two are the same, there should be no misdiagnosis.

Even ordinary people without much medical skills know that the most serious injury is the intrusion of magic energy into the brain, and 90% of the possibility is that the warrior died in a coma.

The remaining 10%, although it is possible to wake up, will become a lunatic or mentally retarded, which is more uncomfortable than death!

As for the possibility of a full recovery...

If in a big city in the God Realm, there happened to be an imperial pharmacist with excellent medical skills to make timely diagnosis and treatment, there might be a little chance of recovery.

But now, they are on the front line!

Not to mention royal pharmacists, even high-level pharmacists can't see half of them...

Li Yukun seemed to be doomed!

The commanders present were very sad when they heard the bad news, and their faces became very ugly.

No one noticed that although Jing Zhihai lowered his head like everyone else, it seemed that he was suffering, but in fact, there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes!

He turned around and raised his voice and said: "My colleagues, Lord Shenwei has suffered such a serious injury, I'm afraid there are not a few days left. I know everyone is very sad, but this is the end of the matter, we can't sit still , the camp still needs to function properly. So, I guess, we should..."

Before Jing Zhihai finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted.

"Who said Lord Shenwei has only a few days left?"

A cold voice came from behind him.

Jing Zhihai was taken aback for a moment, and could only hold back the words that followed.

He hurriedly turned around, and saw Xia Yunxi glanced at him coldly, and said, "I only said that Lord Shenwei's injury is serious, but when did you say there is no cure?"

Hearing this, the leaders were taken aback for a moment, and then became excited.

"Wh... what? Captain Xi, what do you mean, do you mean... you have a way to save Master Shenwei?"

"Yeah, is this true? You can't joke about this kind of thing! We'll all take it seriously!"

"Our camp is fully supported by Lord Shenwei. If he really falls down, we don't know what to do!"

Everyone looked at Xia Yunxi expectantly.

Only Jing Zhihai could not help but twist the muscles on his face.

He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of Li Yukun's serious injury to get the command of the camp, but he didn't know that such a good opportunity, before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by this brat!

However, Jing Zhihai is not a fool, after a lot of effort, he finally resisted the urge to scold his mother.

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