Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3122 Shame ashamed (4)

Hearing such a threat, Jing Zhihai's soldiers could only bite the bullet and continue to resist.

However, even though they have tried their best, there is still no possibility of turning defeat into victory.

Huang Yueli's team members no longer needed instructions, as long as they followed the usual training content, they could trap their opponents in the middle of the formation.

Jing Zhihai's team, like a turtle in a urn, had no way of escaping, but was forced into a panic by the serial attacks, and was stabbed one after another.

Although these wounds are not very deep, after accumulating several wounds, excessive blood loss will also occur.

Not long after, a warrior shook and fell to the ground suddenly.

"My God! Someone passed out!"

"Why is the competition still not over? If this continues, someone will be seriously injured!"

"That's right, the team led by Commander Jing is missing one person, so it can be counted as their loss?"

In the eyes of bystanders, the outcome of the competition is already very clear, and it can be stopped long ago.

However, Jing Zhihai refused to admit defeat, and instead shouted even more angrily: "Damn it! You are all warriors above the middle stage of the Yixuan Realm! Waste, all waste!"

Seeing more and more injured soldiers on the field, everyone wanted to go up to persuade them, but seeing Jing Zhihai's ferocious face frightened everyone.

After a long time, even Huang Yueli felt a little worried.

Now the camp is still besieged by the demons, and it is the time for employing people. The martial artists under Jing Zhihai's cultivation are pretty good, and she doesn't want to seriously injure them.

However, now that Jing Zhihai refuses to admit defeat, the game can't be stopped. With the victory and defeat already divided, if this continues to develop, it may really cause serious casualties...

"Enough! Jing Zhihai, you have already lost this competition! If you lose, you have to admit it! If you can't even admit defeat, what qualifications do you have to be the commander of the camp?"

Seeing another warrior fell down, Huang Yueli couldn't help standing up, and shouted loudly: "You ignore the lives of the soldiers under your command, and let them bleed for this kind of emotional conflict, how can you be their commander?"

After saying that, Huang Yueli turned her head and said to Zheng Yichuan and the others: "Okay, you guys stop!"

As soon as her words fell, the members of the third team responded immediately, without even a moment's hesitation, put away their weapons, and at the same time, quickly retreated.

They retreated in an orderly manner, they lined up and stood behind Huang Yueli.

Jing Zhihai's subordinates all stood there in a daze, and some of them even sat down on the ground with dejected faces.

Jing Zhihai was so angry that he couldn't help going up and dragging those team members.

"What the hell are you doing? Li Yuehuang's people have been repulsed, won't you take advantage of the victory to pursue them? You are all stupid here, what use are you for?"

As soon as this statement came out, the warriors onlookers were all in an uproar!

No one expected that Jing Zhihai still refused to admit defeat when it was all up to this point.

On the contrary, he actually felt that Huang Yueli and the others took the initiative to retreat because they were beaten back? ? Are you ashamed to say "to pursue the victory"? ? How did he come to this conclusion?

This is simply completely shameless!

The warriors who participated in the competition were even more ashamed.

With such a leader who has no lower limit, they will be ashamed of being subordinates now...

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