Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3126 bold plan (3)

"What? Commander Li, what did you say?"

"I must have heard it wrong, right? What are you... going to do tomorrow morning?"

"No way? How come... I heard it wrong too..."

Several commanders looked extremely shocked, only Xia Yunxi showed a thoughtful expression and did not speak.

Huang Yueli raised her hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "You heard me right, I am indeed going to raid the demon camp in the early morning of tomorrow! Please wait for the commanders to go back and start preparing immediately. In the early morning, except for Lord Shenwei's personal guards Besides, everyone else gathered at the gate of the camp!"

This order was really unexpected.

All the commanders stared at her dumbfounded, as if struck by lightning.

Even those commanders who were convinced by Huang Yueli's commanding talent could not accept such an order.

Commander Hu immediately came out and questioned: "Commander Li, what do you mean? We were attacked by the demon army just now, and almost lost the camp! Although the demon soldiers have been repelled now, the entire camp has suffered heavy casualties. Even God Master Wei is seriously injured! Even if we defend completely, we may not be able to hold the camp, and...we have to go out surprise the demons? Isn't this...isn't this death?"

Commander Hu's point of view was endorsed by everyone except Xia Yunxi.

"Yeah, this...isn't this too risky? It's too thoughtless!"

"Now the strength of the camp is only 60% of the original strength, and they are going to sneak attack and die?"

"Commander Li, the demons are very powerful, don't underestimate the enemy!"

Although Huang Yueli is now sitting in the commanding position, she is young after all, and her qualifications are not high, and her cultivation level is not high. Once they heard her put forward such an unexpected point of view, the commanders subconsciously Objected.

Jing Zhihai even sneered and said, "This is the commanding genius entrusted by Lord Shenwei? Sneak attack if you say sneak attack? I think you don't know anything about the situation in our camp!"

Upon hearing this, Huang Yueli coldly glanced around the audience.

Several commanders met her gaze, feeling nervous for no reason.

I don't know why, but her cultivation base is much lower than that of the commanders present, but the aura around her is even higher than that of the commanders!

Could it be that this is because her divine sense is particularly powerful?

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Huang Yueli said indifferently: "It is impossible for me to do the death thing. The demons fought against us, and it is not only our coalition that suffered heavy casualties! The demons are not much better either! Besides, Lord Shenwei is seriously injured, but the demon Ruixuan was also injured by the mechanism! If we concentrate our forces to attack at this time, we might be able to kill Ruixuan!"

"Besides, even you all think that the sneak attack on the demons tonight is whimsical, and it is even more impossible for the demon army to think of it. We will sneak attack overnight, and it will definitely be a great success!"

Huang Yueli briefly analyzed the current situation.

In fact, looking at the problem from another angle, the so-called dead end turned into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Jing Zhihai had already thought of this before, so he scrambled to be the conductor.

However, even Jing Zhihai didn't expect that Huang Yueli would be so resolute and decisive that she couldn't even wait for a day, and would raid the demon camp that night!

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