Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3128 bold plan (5)

People are afraid of death, and when they heard that they were going to take the initiative to attack the demon camp, the commanders felt a little bit drummed in their hearts.

Originally, they tended to keep a tight defense, but because Huang Yueli was the commander, they couldn't directly confront her.

Now, Jing Zhihai has become the young bird, and he still speaks the truth, and the others seem to have found the next step, and quickly followed suit.

Huang Yueli glanced at everyone, slightly pursed her lips.

"What Commander Jing said... seems to have some truth!"

After hearing this, Jing Zhihai was overjoyed, "So, Commander Li is ready to accept my opinion?"

If Huang Yueli was really that stupid, he would be very happy!

When Huang Yueli died in the demon camp with a few people, he would be able to take over the camp logically!

However, before Jing Zhihai could laugh out loud, Huang Yueli shook her head and said slowly, "It seems reasonable, but's all nonsense!"

Jing Zhihai's face suddenly changed, "What??"

Huang Yueli's eyes were cold, and she said unceremoniously: "Although the demons are weak and the sky demons are seriously injured, it's not easy for three or five hundred people to deal with them! Even if the entire camp is mobilized, it may not be able to guarantee victory. How many teams are sent out? Isn't that directly sent to death? What are your intentions?"

"Also, let the soldiers in the camp rest for two days? Yes, resting for two days can indeed restore their physical strength, but not only the physical strength of our coalition soldiers, but also the physical strength of the demon soldiers!"

"As for sending out spies...we already have the terrain of the demon camp, so why bother? Besides, if the spies are discovered by the demons and they are prepared, how can we sneak attack?"

"You...but...but..." Jing Zhihai was blocked from speaking by her, and his face turned blue and white.

After a while, he thought of the retort: ​​"In short, you are too impulsive, too risky! You say a sneak attack, and you don't even have a plan. Is there anyone who commands the army like you?"

He could no longer talk to Huang Yueli, and started messing around.

However, he also understood the psychology of the other commanders very well, caught their weakness that they dare not take risks, and labeled Huang Yueli as impulsive.

Sure enough, the other commanders began to hesitate and hesitate again.

Seeing this, Huang Yueli just smiled coldly.

"I don't know how to command the army? Am I impulsive and risky? Maybe what you said is true! But, I still remember that the reason why we were attacked by the demons today is because everyone here insisted on adopting a defensive strategy and still defending themselves. I thought nothing would go wrong!"

She looked at Xia Yunxi, "As early as a few days ago, Commander Xi had already reminded everyone that the demons are now weak, and it is better to take the initiative than to defend! However, no one believed her words, and the result? In the end Everyone has seen the consequences!"

"I made a mistake once, are you going to make the same mistake again?"

"I know that everyone has cultivated for many years to have the current cultivation base and military rank. Naturally, we cherish our lives, but we dare not take risks, we will just sit and wait for death! Have you ever thought that if Tianmo Ruixuan's injury heals, And if our reinforcements don’t arrive, what will happen in the end?”

"Aren't you afraid of death? At that time, you will really have to die!"

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