Huang Yueli didn't expect that things would go so badly, and just as soon as she started, something went wrong.

However, she reacted very quickly, made a decisive decision, and threw a handful of the drug provided by Xia Yunxi at the two demon soldiers.

The demon soldiers were in a trance for a moment, Huang Yueli raised the knife and turned them into two corpses.

She patrolled around again to make sure that the demon soldiers on the high platform had been cleaned up. Then, she seized the time and began to destroy the demon's defensive formation.

The demon formation itself is not complicated, but in order not to attract the attention of the surrounding demon soldiers, Huang Yueli did not dare to illuminate the surrounding area too brightly, so she could only light a cluster of small flames and slowly check the situation of the formation .

After about a quarter of an hour, she finally found the position of the formation eye, and decisively removed the magic core from it.

The moment she started, a silver light suddenly flashed around the entire camp, and the patterns on the defensive formation lit up in an instant!

After a moment of silence, it was like a pot exploded in the Mozu camp!

"What's going on? What happened just now?"

"It seems... It seems that there is something wrong with the defensive formation?"

"What? What's wrong with the defensive formation? Okay, why did something go wrong? Could it be that someone from the coalition came to make trouble?"

"Quick! Go to the formation to have a look!"

Amidst the noise, Xia Yunxi had already made preparations and rushed into the camp with a hundred assault soldiers in night clothes.

Before they entered the camp, they had already planned their route.

Moreover, just as Huang Yueli predicted at the beginning, after experiencing the disastrous defeat during the day, the morale of the demon soldiers was low, and the staff was overworked. Many demon soldiers slept like pigs and couldn't wake up for a while. .

Xia Yunxi and the others were also lucky. On the way to the main tent, they didn't encounter any masters of the Old Demon level. Only a few sporadic demon soldiers discovered them, and they all killed them.

When they rushed outside the main tent, they heard the roar of the demon Ruixuan coming from inside.

"What's going on? Why is it so noisy outside? Come on, come on!"

Ruixuan's tone was full of anger and impatience, but he seemed out of breath. Obviously, he was also seriously injured in the morning's battle.

Without saying a word, Xia Yunxi directed his subordinates to disperse quickly, and surrounded the main tent according to the formation that Huang Yueli had designed in advance.

Immediately afterwards, she lifted the curtain...



What responded to Rui Xuan was the sound of tens of thousands of silver needles flying across the air!

The members of the commando team perfectly completed the task assigned by Huang Yueli, they all activated the machine spring immediately, and clusters of silver needles flew towards Ruixuan!

Because the silver needles are too dense, under the dim moonlight, it looks like a flowing silver silk satin!

Tianmo Ruixuan was caught off guard and was hit straight.

He swayed and fell headfirst to the ground.

Xia Yunxi rushed in after hearing the impact, and found that Ruixuan's body was covered with silver needles, which looked scarier than a hedgehog!

"Great! Ruixuan is finished, we are going to..." Withdraw!

However, before Xia Yunxi finished speaking, his tall body that had fallen to the ground suddenly moved.

Immediately afterwards, she watched Ruixuan get up from the ground!

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