Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3141st chapter kills the demon Ruixuan (2)

Xia Yunxi didn't care about running for her life anymore, and immediately chased her to the door of the main tent.

I saw Huang Yueli rushing straight inside without hesitation, just in time to collide with Tianmo Ruixuan who was rushing out!

Xia Yunxi was so nervous that she almost stopped breathing!

Huang Yueli swayed slightly, but walked around Rui Xuan's side, but Rui Xuan still had a furious expression on her face, as if she didn't realize that there was someone in front of her just now!

Xia Yunxi was stunned for a moment, then his eyes suddenly fell on Huang Yueli's right fingers.

On it, there was a blood-colored ring—the Heavenly Demon Blood Ring!

She almost forgot that there was such a precious treasure on Huang Yueli's body, which could make her invisible in front of the demon!

It's no wonder she was so courageous and dared to rush directly into the camp.

However, before Xia Yunxi could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Tianmo Ruixuan coming towards her!

Because the other party didn't see Huang Yueli who was hiding, but saw her following into the door!

Xia Yunxi hurriedly dodged and made a defensive posture. Now it was too late for her to escape, so she could only take Ruixuan's attack forcefully!

But based on her strength, even if she has the high-level treasure-level armor that Jun Sihan gave her, she may not be able to survive!

This time... it's really bad!

However, just when Xia Yunxi was almost in despair, out of the corner of her eye she suddenly saw, behind Rui Xuan, Huang Yueli jumped up high, the dagger in his hand gave off a dazzling cold light, and suddenly slammed towards Rui Xuan's head, Tian Ling Gai. stab down!

Huang Yueli's hands were like lightning, and she was wearing the Heavenly Demon Blood Ring.

So, he didn't react until the edge of the dagger was only two inches away from the top of Ruixuan's head!

Now, he didn't bother to grab Xia Yunxi, and hurriedly turned his head to dodge, and at the same time, a wave of devilish energy rushed out towards the top of his head!

Huang Yueli was attacked by this devilish energy, she fell to the side, and the dagger in her hand was also tilted to the side, failing to stab Ruixuan.

But her sudden attack has completely angered Rui Xuan!

With a roar, Rui Xuan turned around and rushed towards Huang Yueli!

Huang Yueli crazily used her profound movement skills, and ran away desperately, almost using all her strength!

She knew very well that with her cultivation base, no matter how outstanding her body skills were, her speed couldn't be compared with that of a demon powerhouse! Besides, now that the two sides are chasing each other in such a small tent, it is impossible for her to escape!

However, she must persist!

As long as you stick to it for a short period of time, maybe there will be a turning point!

Because, on the other side of the main account, there are her trusted teammates!

Xia Yunxi also lived up to Huang Yueli's expectations, her reaction was extremely quick and her foresight was extremely accurate!

Seeing that the demon Ruixuan turned around and left her to chase after Huang Yueli, she immediately turned around and rushed towards Ruixuan on her own initiative!

This time, she didn't care about the evil spirit erosion around Ruixuan, and rushed forward without any hesitation!

When the distance between the two sides was less than three meters, Xia Yunxi raised her right hand, activating the enhanced spring that Huang Yueli had given her!

"Whoosh whoosh—!"

The rainstorm pear blossom needle flew out, making a sharp and ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air!

This sound is louder than the simultaneous activation of a hundred machine springs just now! It also shows that the speed of this enhanced version of the spring is unimaginable!

Tianmo Ruixuan suddenly came to his senses, and turned around to use his magic energy to sweep away the silver needle!

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