Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3145 Killing the Demon Ruixuan (6)

Under the attack of the coalition forces, the demon army retreated steadily, causing heavy casualties!

Finally, the demons couldn't stand it anymore, and retreated to the rear one after another.

Under the persistent pursuit of the coalition forces, many demons were directly killed! The rest of the demon soldiers followed closely behind their commander, retreated to a corner of the camp, and with the help of the surrounding agencies, desperately resisted.

Seeing the embarrassment of the demons fleeing from the wilderness, Commander Hu and the others felt relieved and couldn't help laughing.

"Happy! It's really so happy! Since I joined the coalition army, I haven't felt so happy any day!"

"Isn't it? When they sneaked into our camp last night, that demon Ruixuan was still so aggressive and mighty! What about now? Not to mention his own death, even his base camp was easily captured by us!" Commander Xiao It is also full of joy.

Commander Yang also smiled and said, "It's all thanks to our Commander Li! Such a clever plan, if it weren't for him, we would have missed such a god-sent opportunity!"

"Isn't it?" Commander Hu and Commander Xiao both nodded.

The eyes of several people turned to Huang Yueli who was sitting on the side.

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone in the coalition army, Huang Yueli has become a god-like existence!

After today's battle, not only were they able to escape from the siege smoothly, but they also took down a camp of the Demon Race. That was a real contribution!

In this battle, they also killed the opponent's Heavenly Demon. After all, everyone can earn a lot of military merit!

It is even possible to obtain special rewards from the coalition forces!

No wonder everyone was so excited!

Huang Yueli was not as excited as the others. Ever since the demons were forced into a corner, she and Xia Yunxi had been sitting under the same haystack, discussing the next step in a low voice.

After the signal flare was released just now, the two of them were not idle, and the reality cooperated with each other, destroying all the organs and formations.

Next, the raid team merged with the main force smoothly, Huang Yueli commanded Hu to lead them, and the troops divided into three groups to besiege the demon camp.

The most powerful thing for the warriors of the Demon Race is their personal combat power, so even if their Heavenly Demon Commander is dead, the impact on them is not too great.

Huang Yueli carefully arranged the sequence of attacks, and with the help of the power of formation coordination, finally defeated the demons' defense.

It seems that victory is now in sight.

There are only a small number of demons left, and they are still stubbornly resisting, but they can't make too much waves!

"The battle seems to be coming to an end..." Xia Yunxi looked at the surrounding battle situation and said thoughtfully. "The battle is going so smoothly, we just need to wait for the statistics of military achievements, but... I don't know why, but I'm still a little uneasy."

"Uneasy? Yunxi, what do you have a premonition about? Now that the victory has been decided, is there going to be any misfortune?" Huang Yue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked nervously at her friend beside her.

Xia Yunxi said: "I always feel that something will happen, and this time my premonition is very clear, it seems to come from... the southeast!"

"Southeast? There should be no demon camps in the southeast, right? How come..."

When Huang Yueli said this, she suddenly thought of something, and her eyes widened instantly.

"No way? The southeast is..."

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