Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3150 Foresight (5)

All three of them stared wide-eyed, looking at the demons in front of them.

If they still had doubts about this person's identity just now, now that they saw it with their own eyes, they had to admit that this was indeed a demon, and it was all fake!

Jing Zhihai suddenly felt something was wrong, raised his eyebrows, and asked, "Who are you? Did you come from that demon camp in the north? Why did you flee here in the middle of the night?"

The black-clothed demons rolled their eyes, as if they wanted to make up a few lies.

Jing Zhihai noticed his movements and couldn't help but snorted!

The aura around him exploded in an instant!

He is also a genius warrior among the White Tiger Clan, and his cultivation is already at the middle stage of the Mind Profound Realm, and his profound force is much stronger than warriors of the same level!

Suddenly, the face of the black-clothed demon showed pain, and his mind seemed to explode. The pain was so great that he couldn't bear it, and he curled up on the ground panting.

After a while, Jing Zhihai withdrew his coercion, and once again looked at the demons who fell on the ground.

"I will ask you again, who are you? Where did you come from? What is your purpose?"

The black-clothed demons had suffered enough just now, and now they gave up resistance, knelt down on the ground, and hurriedly began to explain.

"This... my lord, I am indeed... from the northern demon camp. The purpose of my coming here is actually... uh, to ask for help from Master Ruize who is in retreat..."

"Ask for help from the demon Ruize——!"

The three commanders all showed expressions of shock!

Although they also thought that the sudden appearance of this demon clan might be asking for help, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that it was unlikely!

Doesn't the Mozu calling for help mean that the troops led by Huang Yueli have won an overwhelming victory?

How could this happen?

Jing Zhihai's face was ashen, and he said sharply: "Don't hesitate, tell the commander clearly! Otherwise, you will suffer!"

The black-clothed demons didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly reported: "That's right... tonight, while we were still sleeping, suddenly there was a commotion in the camp. Some people said that the defensive formation of our camp was destroyed, and it was suspected that coalition forces sneaked in. They came in. As a result, not long after, several commanders discovered that the commander of our camp, Master Tianmo Ruixun, he...he actually died in front of the main tent!"

"Heavenly Demon Ruixuan, he is really dead!!"

"How is it possible? How is this possible?"

"Did Li Yuehuang really do it? It's terrible, it's really terrible!"

Jing Zhihai and the other three were all stunned by such a thunderbolt, unable to recover.

Since Huang Yueli had been guarding against them all the time, Jing Zhihai and the others were not particularly clear about the plan of the main force of the army to attack the demon camp, they could only know a general idea.

However, anyone with a bit of a brain can guess that if Huang Yueli's plan to attack the demon camp is really going to succeed, the most critical step is to kill the demon Ruixuan!

Jing Zhihai and the others have long believed that this step is actually impossible!

The strength of the Heavenly Demon is definitely not something that Huang Yueli and the others can challenge, it is equivalent to a strong man in the Dao Profound Realm of the God Race!

But now, the demon clan in black insisted that the demon Ruixuan was dead!

No matter how he died, he must have died in the hands of Li Yuehuang!

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