Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3154 Make a bigger contribution (4)

Jing Zhihai saw that the two were a little moved, and hurriedly seduced them further: "Think about it, if we go back to the camp like this and face Li Yuehuang, what kind of ridicule will we suffer? Even if he doesn't say anything, ordinary people in the camp Can you bear the mocking eyes of the soldiers? Anyway, I can't bear it!"

He paused, and then said: "However, if we kill the Heavenly Demon Ruize, or at least, severely injure him! Then, our status will be completely different! What is it like to kill the Demon Race in the middle stage of the Heavenly Demon?" Thanks to the credit, we can at least directly promote to the three-star guard!"

It has to be said that Jing Zhihai is too good at grasping the weaknesses of human nature.

These words he said, no matter what the generals of the coalition army heard, they would feel very moved.

On the Demon Race battlefield, the number of Heavenly Demons that can be killed each year does not exceed ten!

Because of this, Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi's killing of Tianmo Ruixuan was a great contribution that made people envious!

And among these ten demons, most of them will be the early stage demons, and the middle stage demons are very rare, sometimes it takes several years to kill one!

If they could take advantage of the weak state of Tianmo Ruize when he advanced, and kill him, then the credit would surely spread throughout the God Realm in an instant, and they would also become heroes admired by all the soldiers of the coalition army!


Although Commander Hua was moved, he still maintained a trace of reason.

He hesitated and said: "This... Although what you said is reasonable, there is one most critical problem! If you want to kill the demon Ruize, the premise is that he fell into the realm because he broke through the level. But how do you Can it be guaranteed that he will definitely fall to the realm? Maybe he breaks through and comes out, but the result is only a small injury to the meridian, then we are finished!"

Commander Jian nodded when he heard the words: "That's right, we won't be able to run away then!"

Jing Zhihai smiled mysteriously.

"I have a solution for this!"

"You can even solve this??" The two commanders widened their eyes in shock!

Jing Zhihai said: "Of course, I once read some secrets about closed-door training in an ancient book. The severity of injuries for warriors who failed to advance and break through the closed doors depends mainly on the external influence they receive. "

"If a gentle method is adopted to wake up the retreater by knocking on the door and other noises, then generally speaking, the injury will not be serious, at most a few meridians will be damaged, and a few days of recuperation will be enough."

"If the retreat fails due to severe noise, there is a certain probability of going mad! However, if Ruize goes mad, it will be even more dangerous for us, because he will attack everything around him recklessly!"

"The last one is the most serious situation if you are attacked by external forces or even damage your meridians during retreat! Even if the retreater does not die on the spot, he will be severely injured and even fall into the realm! "

After hearing what Jing Zhihai said, Commander Hua and Commander Jian's eyes widened.

This is the first time they have heard of such a theory.

On weekdays, they only know that warriors should not be easily disturbed during retreat, and when they themselves retreat, they will also choose to return to the family headquarters, where no one will disturb them.

Therefore, they did not have much understanding of the failure of retreat.

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