Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The first chapter 3161 reap the fruit (2)

Terrible, this is really terrible!

It is said that the demons are ruthless and cruel, and they have seen it on the battlefield, but never once, like now, have such a clear experience!

Moreover, they finally understand how strong the warriors in the middle stage of the demon are!

Even Jing Zhihai regretted it too much!

It was the news that Huang Yueli and the others had killed the Heavenly Demon Ruixuan, which made him dazzled by jealousy and resentment, and gave him the illusion that "the Heavenly Demon is nothing more than this"!

Since Huang Yueli and the others can do it, he, who is second only to Lord Shenwei, can naturally do it too!

However, when they faced the demon Ruize, he realized how stupid and ignorant his previous thoughts were!

But now, regret is useless at all, he can only rejoice that he is not the slowest one!

Now he can only desperately run away at his maximum speed!

Commander Hua is also a master of the Profound Realm who is known for his speed, and he almost ran side by side with Jing Zhihai.

The two ran straight towards the entrance of the cave, but after a while, they found that they were a little lost!

When they came in, the road in the cave was like a labyrinth, although the two of them had memorized some of it carefully, but at the moment of running for their lives in such a panic, they had almost forgotten it!

The two rushed to a fork in the road, but neither of them could remember where they should go.

At the moment when they were hesitating, the footsteps of Tianmo Ruize sounded from behind the two of them!

"The waste of the two gods, still want to run? Dare to interrupt my retreat, thinking I can escape? A joke! Since you have sent it to your door, you want to become the medicinal material of this blood demon pill! Then don't blame me for being rude." Already!"

The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and the two of them could only choose a random path, trying to escape.

However, just as Commander Hua took a step, he felt a heavy blow coming from his side!

He was kicked heavily in the waist, causing him to lose his balance instantly, and fell backwards!

Commander Hua's eyes widened, looking at Jing Zhihai who was suddenly running away with his strength, his eyes were full of disbelief!

Just now, the one who kicked him... turned out to be Jing Zhihai!

Jing Zhihai pushed him in the direction that the demon Ruize was chasing, and ran away desperately. He wanted to keep him as a shield!

Commander Hua tried his best to get up from the ground, but Ruize had already chased after him.

There was a "snap"!

Commander Hua was hit hard on the ground, his eyes went dark, and he passed out!

When Jing Zhihai heard the noise behind him, he couldn't help but secretly scolded Commander Hua as a waste!

As a martial artist in the middle stage of the Mind Profound Realm, he was severely injured by the Heavenly Demon Ruize without even a chance to defend himself. Isn't this trash? He didn't even buy him any time!

Jing Zhihai could only rush forward desperately, he even took the elixir that stimulated his potential, and forcibly raised a small realm!

Although after the effect of the medicine wears off, he may fall to a lower level, but it's better than dying!

However, even though Jing Zhihai had tried his best, he still didn't expect anything...

He actually chose the wrong way out!

Seeing that the road in front of him led to a dead end, and he had no way to escape, despair finally appeared in Jing Zhihai's eyes.

The footsteps of Tianmo Ruize are getting closer.

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