Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3165 I stay! (2)

"Heavenly Demon Ruize!!"

"How did Tianmo Ruize appear here? Isn't he retreating in a cave hundreds of miles away?"

"My God! Such a powerful momentum, such a strong demonic energy! It's over, we're over!"

The figure of the demon Ruize appeared above the camp.

In an instant, all the soldiers of the entire coalition army began to panic!

Ruize, who was in the mid-term of the Heavenly Demon, was a famous general of the demon clan, and killed countless soldiers of the coalition army, which is by no means comparable to Rui Xuan, who had just become famous.

Many soldiers trembled when they heard his name.

As for the demons who had already fallen into a desperate situation, when they saw Ruize appearing, they immediately became excited.

"Master Ruize is here! Finally here!"

"We...we are finally saved! Great!"

"Hurry up, Lord Ruize, kill all these damned humans and demons, and refine them into blood pills!"

When Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi saw Ruize appearing, they were not as shocked as the others, but their expressions suddenly became ugly.

Xia Yunxi's premonition of the variables in the Middle East and the South actually came true!

What's more, it was the worst situation they could think of - Tianmo Ruize broke through and went to the demon camp to fight in person!

Ruize's strength alone is enough to kill them all here!

Huang Yueli thought that she had considered Ruize's problem in advance and made proper arrangements, but now that the demon Ruize still appeared here, it meant that there must be something wrong with Jing Zhihai!

"Damn it! No matter what, the person surnamed Jing is from the ancient god race, and he actually revealed information about our army to the demon race?? He deserves death!" Huang Yueli's face turned pale with anger.

Xia Yunxi quickly persuaded her, "Don't be angry, we are in big trouble now! Find a way to get everyone away! If we can escape this disaster today, we must go to Jing Zhihai to settle the score and make him pay the price!"

Huang Yueli also calmed down a bit, nodded and said: "You're right! But the problem is, how do we escape with an army of thousands of people?"

Xia Yunxi also thought of this, and his face became serious.

If there were only the two of them now, with the abilities of the two of them, it would not be a big problem even if they just wanted to escape in the face of a strong man in the middle stage of the demon.

But now, more than 2,000 soldiers of the coalition army are gathered here, within the attack range of the demon Ruize!

If they were just ordinary soldiers, they might just leave at this time.

However, they are now the leaders of the coalition forces!

Huang Yueli is also the commander of all the soldiers, acting as the guardian of the gods!

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for them to leave the soldiers behind them and escape secretly by themselves.

At this moment, Commander Hu and the others also ran over and asked Huang Yueli for help in a panic.

"Commander Li, what should we do now? The Heavenly Demon Ruize is here, we... how do we escape?"

Huang Yueli was silent for a while, and then said: "How about this, I'll go and wrap around Tianmo Ruize later to delay time, and the others will take their own plans and evacuate in different directions! There is only one person in Tianmo Ruize , No matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to go in several directions at the same time, and most people should still be able to escape smoothly."

"Besides, I should be able to buy you some time..."

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