Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3180 mixed with two broken sleeves (1)

"An accident? What accident?" Li Yukun asked with a frown.

Just now seeing Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi coming back, both of them looked relaxed, still flirting with their husband, he subconsciously felt that the whole process of attacking the demon camp should be very smooth.

However, listening to Commander Hu's tone, it seems that this is not the case.

Commander Hu told the whole process of fighting in the demon camp.

"...Just as we wiped out the demons and were about to return, the demon Ruize suddenly appeared in the camp! And, ask who killed his younger brother!"

Li Yukun was startled!

"What? Heavenly Demon Ruize?? Why did Ruize appear suddenly? The place where he retreats is far away from the demon camp! Moreover, when he retreats, he will definitely eliminate external interference... Could it be Did the demons send someone to ask him for help? Sigh, Huang...cough cough, I'm still inexperienced, at this time, I should consider that the demons will ask for help!"

Li Yukun said rather annoyed.

Commander Hu hurriedly said: "No, Lord Shenwei! At that time, Commander Li also considered this situation. Before the war, he took pictures of Commander Jing, Commander Jian and Commander Hua. On the way, be ready to intercept those who ask for help at any time!"

After hearing this, Li Yukun frowned even tighter.

"Since she had already prepared in advance, why did Tianmo Ruize still get the news?"

Having said this, Commander Hu fell silent for a while.

He hesitated for a while, and then said in a low voice: "This...this...subordinates don't know either!"

Although President Hu Tong was based on the feelings of his colleagues, he did not make a judgment on the unconfirmed speculation.

However, as shrewd as Li Yukun was, he more or less guessed the trick.

"Hmph, I think this matter has nothing to do with Jing Zhihai and the others! I should have thought that Jing Zhihai is too arrogant, too eager to be the best, and it is difficult to cooperate with others! But, I also Unexpectedly, he was able to treat the battle on the front line as a child's play!"

"He leaked the plan of our army's sneak attack. Li Yuehuang wasn't the only victim, but all the soldiers in the entire camp were put in danger!"

Li Yukun trembled with anger as long as he thought of this!

Originally, after taking the elixir given by Xia Yunxi and recuperating for a whole day, his health has improved a lot.

At least, no longer panting and unable to move.

However, after learning about the good deeds that Jing Zhihai and the others had done, he began to breathe heavily again, as if he could faint at any time!

Commander Hu was frightened by such a scene, and hurried over to support him.

"Master Shenwei, please don't be angry...don't be so angry! The truth of this matter is still uncertain! The subordinates have already sent someone to report to the place where Commander Jing and their ambush are waiting for them to come back. to find out what happened.”

However, Li Yukun was still full of anger.

Commander Hu thought for a while, and then said: "Perhaps, Commander Jing and the others did not make a mistake, it was just a momentary negligence that allowed the soldiers from the Demon Race to ask for help to slip away accidentally..."

"That's not the same!" Li Yukun interrupted him angrily, "As a commander, he led an army of thousands of people and let a magic soldier escape for help! Such neglect of duty, according to military law, is the same capital offense!"

Today's update is over, and tomorrow will continue to explode. Everyone, pass by and leave a monthly ticket recommendation ticket~

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