Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3188 very heavy taste (5)

No matter how you look at the faces of these two people, they look like men!

Even the voice is no different from that of a man.

Of course, what's more important is that Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi's strength is astonishingly strong, and they also have insight and command levels that far surpass ordinary people!

On the battlefield, kill decisively and never fall behind!

How many men saw them and unconsciously felt that their legs were weak... This, how does it look like two girls?

Seeing Commander Hu's shocked look, Huang Yueli couldn't help laughing again, and turned to Li Moying and said, "Husband, people say you have a penchant for cutting off sleeves! Why do you let people have such misunderstandings?" ! Shouldn't you reflect on yourself?"

Li Moying raised her eyebrows, raised her hand and twisted the tip of her upturned nose, "Aren't you the one who should reflect on you? I've asked you to change back into women's clothing!"

"I don't want it! I'm the commander of the camp, so I'll be able to suppress the situation if I dress like this!" Huang Yueli curled her lips.

When Huang Yueli was talking to Li Moying, she no longer pretended to be her voice, and subconsciously changed back to her original voice.

When Commander Hu heard her naturally soft and waxy voice, he suddenly felt that his bones were half brittle.

Only then did he believe that this thin, ordinary-looking man in front of him was really a girl!

However, if Li Yuehuang is a woman, then she is too pitiful, right? She looks so ordinary, how can she get married in the future!

Ah, no, she is already married, and she is also married to the high-ranking young patriarch of the Yunlin Clan!

Patriarch Li Shao's still so heavy! Did he like Li Yuehuang's voice?

Commander Hu was dreaming again there.

Seeing this, Li Yukun coughed heavily, "Okay, now everything is clear to you, you are not allowed to speak nonsense in the future, offending the two young patriarchs and their wives! Also, the identities of the two wives still need to be Keep it secret, don't pass it on to ordinary soldiers."

Hearing Li Yukun's prudent order, the three commanders immediately stood up straight and responded in unison: "Yes!"

Li Yukun nodded, then turned to look at Li Moying and Jun Sihan.

"Young master, Mr. Jun, now the demon camp in the north has been completely destroyed, Ruize is also injured and retreated, and the siege of our camp has been lifted. Next, what are the two plans?"

Although Li Yukun said these words to Li Moying and Jun Sihan, his eyes kept lingering on Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi.

He has been secretly regretting in his heart.

Finally, among the soldiers I led, there were two rare commanders with outstanding combat talents. I thought I could train them to be my successors!

But who knows, both of them are girls!

Moreover, the background is still so big!

They all married such an outstanding husband.

This time, he didn't want to keep them! It is estimated that the two noble sons will rush back to You'an City today with the lady who was rescued with great difficulty.

Li Moying pondered for a moment, and said: "We are here to save people, and we have no intention of getting involved in the affairs of the coalition army. My wife and Miss Xia have not officially registered with the coalition army, and they are not considered official soldiers. Control. Therefore, Brother Jun and I plan to take the two of them away today."

"These days, thank you Li Shenwei for taking care of them. We owe this favor. In the future, if you need anything, you can come to us."

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