Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3190 heavy taste of dog food (2)

"Assassinate the Heavenly Demon Ruize!!"

The warriors present all screamed in shock!

"Crazy! Jing Zhihai must be crazy, right?"

"How could he do such a thing?"

Such a result is really surprising! No one could think of it in advance.

Everyone in the coalition army has a deep understanding of how powerful the warriors in the middle stage of the demon are. Moreover, Jing Zhihai is not a heaven-level genius who can leapfrog battles, so he would have such a whim... Wouldn't that be the same as sending him to death?

Commander Hu sneaked a glance at Huang Yueli, and said, "I heard from the soldiers under Commander Jing that he must have been stimulated by the incident of Commander Li and Commander Xi killing the demon Ruixuan, and they kept saying that since those two Even the little ghosts in the Yixuan Realm can kill the strongest early stage demons, so he and the other two commanders may not be able to kill the demon Ruize, after all, Ruize is still in seclusion..."

Hearing this, Huang Yueli was dumbfounded, raised a finger, pointed at herself, and said incredulously: "So, this inexplicable blame has been pinned on me again?"

Li Moying shook her head amusedly, pinched the little hand she was pointing at, put it to her lips, and touched it lightly.

Commander Hu saw it and almost burst into tears!

These two are too immoral!

God knows, in order to make achievements in the army, he didn't get married at such an age! The same goes for the other two commanders.

They also openly show their affection in front of so many single dogs!

Moreover, the show is the show, why does Commander Li wear men's clothes...

This heavy-tasting dog food almost choked him to death...

"Commander Hu, why didn't you say anything? What happened next?" When Commander Hu was feeling depressed, he suddenly heard Xia Yunxi's voice.

He turned his head to look, and almost poked his dog's eyes blind again.

I saw Xia Yunxi sitting in his chair, eating some snacks and asking questions curiously.

That posture is no different from listening to books in a teahouse.

And the majestic young patriarch of the True Dragon Clan, Jun Sihan, a peerless genius who has been famous in the God Realm for a long time, was holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, carefully feeding her to drink, lest she choke.

This... This dog food tastes a little better, but it's also sweet and sweet...

"Commander Hu? Commander Hu?" Xia Yunxi urged again.

Commander Hu just woke up like a dream, and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look around anymore, and at the same time said quickly: "In short, Jing Zhihai and others lost their minds because of jealousy, so they planned to take advantage of the opportunity of the demons asking for help, pretending to be Become a demon soldier, go deep into Ruize's retreat cave, and assassinate him!"

"These are all said by his cronies. Jing Zhihai only took Commander Jian and Commander Hua, and the three left together. So, after they left, even the cronies didn't know what happened."

"However, about an hour later, the soldiers who stayed at the spot saw the demon Ruize flying over from a distance in a panic. When they saw the coalition army, they immediately launched an attack! Many soldiers died on the spot! Those who were not dead, They all fled in all directions. Immediately afterwards, Ruize headed towards the northern camp, and what happened next... everyone should know it too!"

After listening to Commander Hu's words, everyone present fell silent.

"So, Commander Jing and the others probably died in Ruize's cave?"

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