Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3211 Insane (4)


Jun Sihan nodded slightly, and the two of them shot together, directly attacking the remaining two refining furnaces!

They all knew the seriousness of the matter, and they didn't hold back, hoping to completely destroy these two pill furnaces directly!

Tianmo Ruize reached out to grab the alchemy furnace, and a blood-red light ball appeared in his palm. In the light ball, Jing Zhihai's face could be vaguely seen. That blurred face showed extreme pain. look!

Under Huang Yueli's horrified gaze, Ruize grabbed the ball of light and stuffed it into his mouth!

"Help—! Help—!"

Jing Zhihai screamed miserably, but he only had a bit of consciousness sealed in the ball of light left, so how could he resist the demon Ruize!

Until the ball of light entered Ruize's mouth, the screams continued to ring out!

And as soon as the light ball disappeared, the devilish energy in Ruize's body suddenly exploded!

The injuries in his body were quickly healed under the nourishment of this half-finished blood demon pill. Although it was still far away from complete recovery, it was enough for him to successfully mobilize the devil energy in his body!

Ruize showed a smug expression, his originally handsome and picturesque face now looked ferocious!

As soon as he turned around, he wanted to open the other two pill furnaces.

But who would have thought that at this moment, two strands of profound energy shot out from around him, piercing through those two alchemy furnaces right in front of his eyes!

In the alchemy furnace, there was a shrill and terrifying cry, and then, it exploded suddenly!

The bloody smoke dispersed in the air in an instant, and the bloody smell in the cave was so thick that Huang Yueli couldn't help but feel nauseous.

Ruize was really taken aback for a moment, as if he couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

Because, the pill furnaces for refining the Blood Demon Pills are all specially made, and the materials used are very rare and extremely strong. With the various array patterns on the furnace body, even the strongest of the Heavenly Demon Stage cannot be easily broken!

Otherwise, in the process of refining the Blood Demon Pill, if you encounter a "medicinal material" with a strong spiritual sense, it is very likely that the pill furnace will explode!

So, at the beginning, Ruize never thought that Li Moying and Jun Sihan would be able to do this!

However, Ruize soon realized what had happened, and a look of rage appeared on his face!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it—!! You guys actually ruined my Blood Demon Pill!"

His eyes were red, as if he was about to bleed, and he didn't know if it was because of excitement, or because he had just swallowed Jing Zhihai's bloody light ball!

"I must catch you and replace those two blood demon pills with you! The elixir refined by such a talented protoss will definitely allow me to break through to the late stage of the demon!"

After speaking, Ruize couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and rushed towards the two of them!

Li Moying snorted coldly, "When death is imminent, how dare you speak nonsense here!"

As his words fell, behind him suddenly appeared a majestic unicorn with shiny scales!

"Ziyu, go—!"

With one finger of Li Moying's long sword, the Qilin turned over in the air, and a purple light flashed across it!

Ruize was already shocked by the appearance of Qilin. He had known for a long time that the two young gods in front of him were definitely the first-class geniuses among the ancient gods. However, he did not expect that Li Moying would actually Has the ability to subdue divine beasts!

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