Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3227th chapter shocked God (1)

Meng Shurong pondered for a while, then said: "Since this is the case, we'd better be careful!"

He turned around and called out to the guards at the door, "Come here, send an order to the guards in the front camp. If it is confirmed that the demons will retreat, let them return to You'an City to report back, and shrink the line of defense at the same time!"


"Also, starting today, You'an City will continue to maintain the state of martial law, and the number of patrolling sentries will be doubled! No matter if there is any change, you must report to me immediately!"


Seeing the guards lead away, Jing Shaoyuan felt a little better.

The other divine guards also sighed endlessly.

"Commander Jing is still cautious enough. At this time, it is indeed better to be careful!"

"That's right, two juniors at the Mind Profound Realm killed the mid-stage Heavenly Demon, this... I still think it's impossible after thinking about it!"

"We should be on our guard. If we are really tricked by the demons, we will be the sinners of the entire coalition!"

Meng Shurong turned to look at the divine guards below, "Everyone is clear about the current situation, and everyone is still ready to fight!"

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"


The two young couples who were still on their way naturally had no knowledge of what happened in You'an City.

They were just wondering why Li Moying and Jun Sihan caught a cold at the same time, and kept sneezing all the way!

"Could it be that he caught a cold while exercising in the tent yesterday? Men are really useless! We must not pamper them next time!" Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi both thought to themselves.

Although they didn't deliberately rush along the way, they all rode good horses, so they were quite fast.

Seven days later, they arrived under the walls of You'an City.

"Strange, why is You'an City still under martial law? The city gates are closed so tightly, and there are so many guards patrolling! The demon army has obviously retreated?"

Huang Yueli looked up at the majestic walls of You'an City, frowning slightly.

Along the way, they also passed through several coalition camps.

The divine guards of each camp saw Li Moying and the others, they were all grateful, and even came out to greet them, hoping to let them stay in their camp for a few more days and treat them well.

It was only now that Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi knew that in order to find them, these two men had traveled to almost every coalition stronghold on the front line this month, and even helped them deal with many demons.

The military merit they earned was even more than that of Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi!

After learning that the demon Ruize had died, all the soldiers in the camp rejoiced, almost like a festival, clamoring to send the battle report to You'an City to announce the good news.

Of course, the first person to write the battle report was Li Yukun.

The coalition forces have special flying monsters to deliver the news, which is at least twice as fast as their slow ride back.

So, the coalition forces in You'an City should already know the news of Ruize's death, so why do they still look like they are facing an enemy?

Li Moying was thoughtful, "Could it be that Li Shenwei's battle report was lost on the way?"

Hearing this, Jun Sihan shook his head, "This should be impossible! Even if Li Shenwei's battle report is lost, it is impossible for all the battle reports of other camps to be lost halfway, right? The intelligence system of the coalition forces cannot be so unreliable. Spectrum!"

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