Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3237 My wife likes (4)

Everyone was startled by the voice, only then did they realize that there was someone behind them, and turned around suddenly.

On the chairs behind them, sat two young men who looked unfamiliar to them, they were Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi after the disguise.

After entering the study, they sat opposite Li Moying and Jun Sihan.

Everyone's attention was on the two men, and no one noticed the two young ladies at all.

Obviously, everyone thinks that Li Moying and Jun Sihan are real geniuses, and the woman they like may have good talent, but it is absolutely impossible to compare with such a peerless genius.

Huang Yueli and Xia Yunxi were not very pushy people, so they simply hid at the side, drinking tea and eating snacks by themselves.

Even if Jing Shaoyuan rushed in suddenly and questioned Li Moying and the others, they didn't take it seriously at all.

With Jing Shaoyuan's talent and strength, such a heart and mind, he can't even match a finger of those two black-bellied men, and the result must be slapped in the face!

"I really admire his courage. He dared to trouble my family, Mo Ying. Isn't that looking for abuse!" Huang Yueli licked the pastry crumbs at the corner of her mouth, and muttered disapprovingly.

Xia Yunxi suddenly tugged at her sleeve, motioning her to look back.

"Yueli, they seem to be looking for the magic stone of the demon Ruize? Is it with you?"

"Rize's magic stone? It seems to be here!"

Huang Yueli was startled, turned her head to look, and found that Jing Shaoyuan was shouting there by herself, she couldn't help snorting, touched the space ring, and took out the magic stone.

Unexpectedly, she held the magic stone in her hand, and no one even looked at her!

Huang Yueli suddenly felt a little choked up, depressed!

When she was in Tianling Continent, she was also the focus of everyone's attention, okay? Could it be that no one cares about her just because she made herself ugly? These guys who judge people by their appearance are so superficial!

Huang Yueli slandered, raised her voice, and yelled out the sound just now.

For a moment, everyone turned their heads and stared at the magic stone in her palm.

That shocked expression was like seeing a ghost!

Li Moying's voice followed closely, "This is the magic stone of Ruize, the Heavenly Demon. Please take a look at it, Your Excellency."

Meng Shurong couldn't sit still any longer, jumped up all of a sudden, rushed to Huang Yueli in one stride, and was about to reach for the magic stone in her hand.

But who knows, the moment he stretched out his hand, Huang Yueli suddenly withdrew his hand and took the magic stone back.

Seeing this scene, everyone was taken aback.

"Madam Li, you are..."

Huang Yueli gave Li Moying a dissatisfied look, "Didn't you agree to play with me?"

Originally, Huang Yueli didn't intend to ask for this magic stone. After all, it wasn't Li Moying's military achievements alone, but also Jun Sihan's. She was embarrassed to take it.

However, Li Moying actually said that it was for her to play for the sake of Jing Shaoyuan!

Now that the big talk has been said, how can it not be done? She just wanted to embarrass him.

Hearing Huang Yueli's words, the other warriors were all in a mess.

What is this... what is this?

Was the magic stone really for her to play with? ?

Moreover, even if she is Li Moying's wife, how dare she take back the magic stone? That's one hundred thousand military achievements!

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