Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3243rd chapter God will host a banquet (2)

A powerhouse at the peak of the Dao Profound Realm like Xuan Jiuling is the top among the current masters in the God Realm, with a very high status.

In fact, even warriors who are also at the peak of the Dao Profound Realm have different levels of strength, and even some warriors with outstanding talents in the early and middle stages of the Dao Profound Realm are stronger than those in the late Dao Profound Realm.

In the God Realm, there is also a special Dao Tian Bang, which ranks these warriors.

In Li Moying's impression, Xuan Jiuling's ranking is around thirty or forty, and he can indeed be called a top expert in the God Realm.

Hearing that such a master appreciates him a lot and wants to see him, Li Moying also feels very happy.

He opened the invitation and glanced at it quickly.

"My wife and I are invited to have a banquet at the City Lord's Mansion tonight... I understand, please reply to Your Excellency, and we will attend."

The two divine guards also showed joy, and after being grateful, they left.

Li Moying was only pleasantly surprised for a moment, and soon calmed down. As soon as the two left, he returned to the room according to the original plan, and began to practice with peace of mind.


At the same time, the two personal guards of the divine general arrived at Jing Shaoyuan's mansion and sent him an invitation.

Jing Shaoyuan took the invitation, not knowing why, "What's the situation? Why did Your Excellency the Divine General suddenly want to hold such a grand banquet, and invite all the people on the table in You'an City to participate?"

The two guards told Jing Shaoyuan about Xuan Jiuling's arrival this morning.

After listening, Jing Shaoyuan's complexion suddenly became very ugly.

"What? General Xuanshen has actually arrived in You'an City! Besides, he came here to see Li Moying and Jun Sihan??"

Jing Shaoyuan felt extremely uncomfortable, his eyes were full of jealousy and hatred!

Although the White Tiger Clan itself has experts at the peak of the Dao Profound Realm, even ranking above Xuan Jiuling, these experts have personally instructed Jing Shaoyuan to practice.

However, it is completely different for the powerhouses of one's own family to care for the younger generation, and the powerhouses of other protoss races!

A true peerless genius can make other warriors of the Protoss look at him differently.

Especially the strong men of the coalition forces, if they don't speak with their strength, no matter what their status is, the other party will not take a second look.

And Li Moying and Jun Sihan, relying on the performance of killing the demon Ruize this time, got such treatment!

As for him, Jing Shaoyuan, although he dreamed of having such a scene countless times, he never got it!

Even the last time he killed the demon in the early stage, because he happened to meet the opponent who was seriously injured and dying, he picked up a bargain and brought back the magic stone. Therefore, although he usually played loudly outside, the real master of the military, But no one expressed appreciation for him.

Comparing the two, Jing Shaoyuan felt that his face was flushed red from the beating!

"Commander Jing? Commander Jing?"

Seeing Jing Shaoyuan distracted, the two guards had no choice but to urge him, "Commander Jing, will you be able to attend on time tonight?"

Jing Shaoyuan was so entangled and depressed!

Originally, he would definitely not miss the opportunity to show his face in front of a master like Xuan Jiuling.

However, thinking that this banquet was held for Li Moying and the others, Jing Shaoyuan couldn't bear to see their incomparably beautiful appearance at that time!

Just when Jing Shaoyuan was hesitating, he suddenly saw a figure walking by at the end of the corridor...

Jing Shaoyuan suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

"Okay, I'll be there!"

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