Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3247 You are Li Yuehuang! (2)

The apprentice slapped his thigh sharply, his face full of reverence.

"So you are Master Li! I have admired your name for a long time! Over the past month, all the branches of Tianbao Glazed Tile Pavilion have been looking for you according to the orders of the Allied Forces Headquarters! However, everyone thought that you must still be in the Holy Phoenix. Continent, no one would have thought that you would come to Tianhu Continent at this time!"

When Huang Yueli heard what he said, not only did he not solve any doubts, on the contrary, he was even more confused.

"This... what's the situation? Why can't I understand it at all? The order of the coalition headquarters? Why did the coalition seek me? I don't seem to have done anything to commit crimes, right?"

Huang Yueli considers herself to be a good law-abiding citizen. Since she arrived in the God Realm, she has tried her best to keep a low profile, and she has never done anything bad! Why did it attract the attention of the Allied Headquarters?

The apprentice looked at her in surprise, "What? Don't you know it yourself?"

"Know what?" Huang Yueli asked rhetorically.

When the apprentice of the spirit tool master saw that she was really at a loss, he explained: "Master Li, did you refine a batch of improved standard spirit tools in Huofang City? You also sold a lot of them to Master Xiao?"

Hearing this question, Huang Yueli finally thought of something.

"Ah...yes, that's right."

The apprentice said with admiration: "I heard that the standard magic weapon you refined, whether it is offensive or defensive, is several percent more effective than the original standard magic weapon. Is this true?"

Huang Yueli smiled dryly and said, "Haha, you can say that."

The apprentice became even more excited when she heard her confirmation, and hurriedly said everything she knew.

"It is said that after Master Xiao got the batch of spirit tools, when he exchanged skills with a Tianbao Grandmaster of the coalition again, he mentioned the batch of spirit tools you refined. The other party was very shocked and took them personally. Go to the coalition headquarters to test, and the test results are more satisfactory than what Master Xiao said!"

"The Coalition Headquarters is very interested in these spiritual tools and would like to find you, but even Master Xiao can't tell where you went. Therefore, the Coalition Headquarters issued an order to all the Tianbao Glazed Pavilions to let us Once I find you, I'll report it immediately!"

Having said this, a smile appeared on the face of the apprentice of the spirit tool master.

"I didn't expect that, Master Li, you would actually appear in our You'an City! This is great news, I'm going to tell our President right away!"

Saying that, he jumped up excitedly and ran towards the inner courtyard.

"Hey? Wait, wait a minute! Don't you run??"

Huang Yueli was also shocked by the news she heard just now. As soon as she regained her senses, she saw the apprentice of the spirit tool master running away from her.

She hurriedly reached out to stop him, but she was distracted for a long time just now, and the kid was quite agile, and ran away all of a sudden.

Huang Yueli's face suddenly collapsed, "This... what is this all about? I just want to buy some materials, I don't want to be reported to the headquarters of the coalition army! If the president of this branch comes out, I will also I don't know how long it will take..."

She still remembered that she promised Li Moying that she would go back to eat with him tonight!

The two hadn't seen each other for nearly two years, and now they finally reunited. That man was very, very clingy, and he was especially jealous.

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