Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3274 Lan Mengqing's challenge (3)

Almost all of the girls who were able to attend today's banquet were genius girls from the Protoss or Human Race, and they all felt that they were much more talented than Huang Yueli, only they couldn't compare to her!

To have such an outstanding arrogant girl like Lan Mengqing jumped out and challenged Huang Yueli, it was as if she was standing out for them!

Hearing that so many people were standing by her side, Lan Mengqing couldn't help showing a bit of confusion on her face.

She looked at Huang Yueli defiantly, "How is it? How are you thinking?"

Meng Shurong and Xuan Jiuling watched from the side, and both frowned, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

Both of them had heard the conversation between Li Moying and Jing Shaoyuan before, and they believed that they knew Huang Yueli's level of strength.

He was born in an ordinary human race and has just ascended from the lower realm a few months ago. Taking such conditions together, I am afraid that even Lan Mengqing's move will not be able to handle!

If the two really fight and Huang Yueli is defeated, although Li Moying's face will be lost, but that's still a good result. Being seriously injured, you can imagine how furious Li Moying would be!

The two of them held this banquet today to commend and win over Li Moying, not to enmity against him.

If something happened to Li Moying's wife at the banquet, no one would want to see it.

The two gods looked at each other and Meng Shurong said, "Ms. Lan, Madam Li has just arrived in the God Realm for a few days. I'm afraid she is not suitable for this kind of challenge. If you want to learn from each other, you should wait for a chance later!"

He said this very skillfully, not only showing his attitude, but also saving face for both parties.

If it was normal, Lan Mengqing would definitely have retreated after hearing His Excellency God's command.

However, today, she is not willing to give up the opportunity easily!

She has already stood up to challenge Huang Yueli, and is already at the risk of being said to be bullying the weak. If Huang Yueli can't be shamed, isn't she at a loss?

Thinking of this, Lan Mengqing raised her chin and cupped her hands towards Meng Shurong.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, we are just playing together and adding fun to the banquet. The shot will not be heavy, and it will never hurt anyone!"

Lan Mengqing did not intend to hurt Huang Yueli.

Her purpose is to embarrass Huang Yueli! In order to let everyone see the gap between the real arrogant girl and the straw bag beauty!

Defeating Huang Yueli without hurting her would not only show her strength, but also look very graceful.

Lan Mengqing has done this kind of thing before to build a reputation for herself.

Hearing Lan Mengqing say this, the two gods were at a loss for words.

The other party said that it was for the fun of the banquet, and they also promised not to hurt anyone, so it's not the same thing if the two of them have to stop them? At that time, everyone will find it strange that Li Moying's people are the ones who are lost!

Thinking of this, the two gods turned their heads at the same time and looked at Li Moying.

They all thought that, with Li Moying's performance of pampering his wife, that his wife was being so persecuted, he must have been extremely angry, and he might have turned against Lan Mengqing on the spot.

However, the reality is completely different from what they imagined.

Li Moying was holding a crystal wine glass in his hand and his head in one hand, and was slowly tasting the grapes.

Looking at him like that, it looks like he is watching a good show!

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