Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3381 true and false Mrs. Li (2)

"Anyway, there are not many people participating, there are only a dozen or so people, so don't let them publicly refine the spirit weapon on the field, arrange a small room for each person, and let them refine it by themselves, what do you think?"

Master Xiao was stunned, and said unexpectedly: "Why do you need to change it? Isn't it more guaranteed that the public refinement will not be tampered with during the competition?"

Huang Yueli explained casually: "This...the map I showed this time is unprecedented, and they have nothing to do if they want to cheat. The public refining will easily distract the spiritual weapon master and affect the refining process. The fineness of the spirit weapon produced. What I am looking for this time is a truly skilled spirit weapon master, so try not to interfere with them and let them perform at their highest level."

Master Xiao frowned slightly, "Although these words are reasonable, but... Mr. Li, you are still young, and you don't know that there are many tricks in the competition between spirit weapon masters. Although your map is brand new, but, It is still very easy for them to cheat, and for the sake of insurance and fairness, the old man still thinks that it is more appropriate to refine publicly."

Huang Yueli pursed her lips, not knowing how to persuade Master Xiao.

What Master Xiao said is naturally correct, and it cannot be more correct, even she thinks so.

However, there must be a reason for Huang Yueli to order such a special order. She did it for the convenience of her own hands... But she can't say this directly to Master Xiao...

Huang Yueli hesitated for a moment, but suddenly, she had a flash of inspiration.

She bent down, covered her stomach, and began to whine: "Ouch, ouch, why is my stomach starting to hurt again, I can't do it, I can't take it anymore! Master Xiao, I... I'll take a step first! Please You must remember what I just said..."

After finishing speaking, she ran away in a hurry!


Master Xiao was still full of doubts, but seeing that Huang Yueli was so anxious, he couldn't stop her from asking.

He had no choice but to stand aside and wait.

Originally, Master Xiao hadn't given up on the plan to let Huang Yueli show up, so he waited in the corner for a while, but after a long time, he never saw Huang Yueli come back.

He was a little worried, on the one hand, he was afraid that Huang Yueli would really be seriously ill, on the other hand, he was a little confused.

Could it be that the kid was too thin-skinned, and when he was about to show his face, he suddenly felt shy again, so he found an excuse to run away? ?

After much deliberation, Master Xiao came to no conclusion, so he could only find a maid to see how Huang Yueli was doing.

At the same time, there was no way to delay the competition here. After thinking for a while, he stood up and announced the official start of the competition as the organizer of the competition.

After finishing speaking, Master Xiao subconsciously looked at the gate leading to the backyard.

Then, he continued: "Then I will announce the official rules of the competition..."

Hearing this sentence, everyone present put aside their previous doubts, cheered up one by one, and waited to hear what Master Xiao had to say, for fear of missing any word!

Master Xiao was about to speak when suddenly there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Immediately afterwards, the servant girl's voice sounded: "Girl, please stay still! Today, Master Xiao organized a competition. Except for the spirit weapon masters and accompanying personnel who participated in the competition, no one else can go inside."

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