Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3397th chapter announced the results of the competition (6)

What Master Xiao just said is... what number is it? ?

After a while, Li Leyun realized that she jumped up from the chair, looked at Master Xiao in disbelief, and asked loudly: "Master Xiao, you... Did you report a mistake just now? What is the name?? Thirty-one? This... this is impossible!"

Master Xiao snorted, twirled his gray beard with his hands, and said in an unhappy tone, "Miss Li, please pay attention to your wording! Although the old man is young, he is not yet so old-fashioned! How could it be possible to report an error? The result? You heard it right, what the old man said just now is the result of several judges. The first place is No. 31 Mrs. Li Shao!"

Master Xiao repeated it again, this time, he couldn't speak more clearly.

The martial artists who thought they had heard it wrong, all came back to their senses, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"What? The first place is actually that Miss Li? How is that possible?"

"Is there something wrong? She is just a junior spirit weapon master!"

"Besides, when everyone handed in the finished product, her box was kept closed. If such a good spirit tool was really refined, why did they lock the box?"

"It's hard to say, who stipulated that the high level of refining equipment can't lock the box?"

"Having said that, I still feel that this matter is too strange. I have also seen the pair of wrist guards refined by Li Leyun. They are indeed quite perfect. How could Miss Li refine something better than hers? What about the finished product?"

Everyone was discussing in whispers, but they couldn't accept such a result.

Of course, the most unacceptable person was Li Leyun.

She widened her eyes, looked at Huang Yueli, then at Master Xiao, she couldn't believe that such a thing would happen.

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible! This dead girl is just a junior spirit weapon master. How can she refine a better spirit weapon than me? There must be something wrong, there must be something wrong!"

Li Leyun relied on her outstanding talent in refining weapons, and she was secretly tutored by people from the coalition army, so she could reach her current level.

And now, Huang Yueli has easily surpassed her? ?

If it was another spirit weapon master who won the first place, Li Leyun would feel better, but now the first place is Huang Yueli!

If that dead girl is really number one, doesn't it mean that the bet between the two of them... the winner is Huang Yueli!

Li Leyun was flustered and excited.

Master Xiao was very displeased when he heard her accusation, he hated Li Leyun in the first place, and at this moment, his words were even more merciless.

"Miss Li, what are you talking about? Looking at you, it seems that you are very dissatisfied with the result of this competition? But, isn't Mrs. Li also a member of your Yunlin clan? No matter who the two of you are number one, the result will be different. It's the same. It's fine for other people to question the old man, but what do you mean by jumping out and shouting?"

Hearing Master Xiao's words, the expressions on the faces of the two generals sitting beside Li Leyun also changed.

Master Xiao's words are very reasonable.

Although this result surprised both of them, after thinking about it, they both felt happy again. In any case, this business still belongs to the Yunlin clan, and this is the biggest gain.

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