Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3402 Remember that bet? (3)

But now, the result of the competition was exactly the opposite of Li Leyun's expectation, the loser became herself!

In this way, this bet became Li Leyun's restriction.

She never thought that she would lose, nor did she ever think that she would give up her status as Li Moying's fiancée!

From Li Leyun's point of view, even if she made a fool of herself today, her identity and talent lie here after all. As the niece of the patriarch of the Yunlin Clan and one of the top heavenly geniuses in the God Realm, she position is unshakable.

Even if that dead girl is in the limelight today and shows off her amazing talents in spirit weapon arts, so what?

Unless Li Moying can fight against the whole family, otherwise, that dead girl should never even try to climb on top of her!

However, Li Leyun's premise of being so confident is that there is no such bet...

If other people know that she has such a bet with the dead girl, how can she have the face to call herself Li Moying's fiancee?

Li Leyun immediately made up her mind that she must deny it to the end!

So, when Huang Yueli walked in front of her, before she could speak, Li Leyun called out first.

"Master Xiao, I want to report Miss Li!"

When she made a sound suddenly, even Huang Yueli was startled.

After hearing Li Leyun's words clearly, Huang Yueli raised her eyebrows and stopped, she wanted to hear what Li Leyun was going to do again.

The other people in the hall naturally also heard Li Leyun's words, and turned their heads to look over together.

Master Xiao frowned, "Miss Li, what's the problem with you? Now, the old man has asked people to take out all the spiritual weapons, and everyone can see that the wrist guard you refined is indeed not as good as Li Shao's." Ma'am, what else do you have to say?"

Li Leyun gritted her teeth, and said: "Judging from the spiritual artifacts presented here, the bracer in the No. 31 wooden box is indeed much better than the one I made, I have to admit this, but... ...Who can guarantee that the spirit weapon in this box was indeed made by Miss Li herself?"

Master Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then his brows frowned even deeper.

"Miss Li, what do you mean by that? Please explain clearly!"

Li Leyun said: "I suspect... Miss Li's spirit weapon No. 31 was not refined by herself at all, but she got it from unknown where beforehand and brought it in after hiding it in the interspatial ring!"

"What?? Is there such a thing?"

"Is this impossible? When we entered the arena, Master Xiao personally inspected our space ring."

"Besides, when refining spirit weapons, there are so many patrolling spirit weapon masters, who can cheat at this time?"

Li Leyun's words aroused everyone's discussion.

However, most people don't think that Huang Yueli has the possibility of cheating.

Of course, Master Xiao didn't believe it even more. He snorted coldly, "Are you questioning the unfairness of the competition organized by the old man? When the old man checked your interspatial rings, everyone was watching from the sidelines. That can't be done at all!"

Li Leyun shook her head and said, "I'm not questioning you, but when I left the yard just now, I heard some very suspicious words!"

"What?" Master Xiao asked with a frown.

Li Leyun didn't rush to speak, but glanced at Huang Yueli triumphantly.

This time, even Huang Yueli was a little puzzled.

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