Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3434 happy cooperation (5)

Li Moying was stunned for a moment.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was in a daze, Huang Yueli used some profound energy to push him aside.

However, she was anxious and couldn't control her strength well, so she accidentally pushed Li Moying out of the bed.

"Bang dong"!

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground sounded!

Huang Yueli's eyes widened, she couldn't even react!

When she realized what had happened, she quickly jumped up from the bed, pulled the sheet in front of her body, and at the same time used her profound strength to sweep away the curtains that were pulled tightly by Li Moying just now.

The sunlight shone into the room, revealing a bewildered-faced handsome man half lying beside the bed.

Even in such an embarrassing posture, Li Moying still looks full of indescribable charm, every inch of muscle lines on his body is so perfect, as if carefully crafted by a craftsman...

At this juncture, Huang Yueli couldn't help but linger on him a few more times.

Then, she said embarrassingly: "Ahem, husband, are you okay... Did you hurt yourself?"

Li Moying sat on the ground and gave her a cool look.

Huang Yueli touched her nose with some guilty conscience, and at the same time looked under the other's fish line, it was finally okay, the part that made her sense of crisis greatly increased, now calmed down.

The crisis is over!

In fact, it's not that she doesn't want to accompany Li Moying to wake up early and practice double cultivation, it's really... there are important things today!

Huang Yueli showed an obedient smile to Li Moying, "Husband, I'm sorry! However, I have a lot of things to do today, and I'll make a delicious apology for you when I come back tonight!"

After finishing speaking, she didn't bother to pull Li Moying who was on the ground, and hurriedly ran behind the screen to change clothes.

Although the sound just now sounded a bit scary, but Li Moying is also a martial artist of the Mind Profound Realm after all, with rough skin and thick flesh, how could he be injured like this!

Moreover, she knew with her toes that if she dared to go over now, that narrow-minded man would never let her go easily.

In addition, the two of them are not wearing any clothes now, so the result... is that she is going to be late!

Huang Yueli quickly found a dress to change into, and then walked out from behind the screen. After washing up, she sat in front of the bronze mirror and tied her hair.

She had just tied her long black and smooth hair to the top of her head, and was trying to find a hairpin to fix it, when suddenly, her fingers touched something pointed.

"Use this one." Li Moying's voice sounded from behind her, and at the same time handed her a fiery red hairpin.

"The hairpin of the blood essence stone!" Huang Yueli exclaimed!

Blood Essence Stone is a very rare fire-attribute material, which can greatly increase the attack power of fire-attribute fighters. It is generally used as an attack weapon. Moreover, it does not need such a large piece to make a weapon. It only needs to be mixed with a fingernail-sized A piece of the force field as the core on it.

Unexpectedly, Li Moying gave her such a hairpin.

Seeing Huang Yueli in a daze, Li Moying simply put the hairpin on her head and adjusted the position before taking a few steps back.

"Sure enough, it's just as I thought, red suits you very well..."

Li Moying's voice was gentle, and there was an astonishing light in her eyes.

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Huang Yueli's face immediately.

Even if countless people were shocked by her beauty, it couldn't compare to Li Moying's simple compliment.

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