Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3444 Witty Master Xiao (7)

The corners of Huang Yueli's mouth curled up, and she shook her head slightly, "Master Xiao, you made a mistake! I never planned to let my husband leave the Yunlin clan with me..."

"Then you are..." Master Xiao was puzzled.

Huang Yueli said slowly: "I will definitely let the Yunlin clan beg me to become the young lady of the clan!"

"You..." Master Xiao was stunned for a moment.

He really never thought that Huang Yueli would have such great ambitions!

In his opinion, although Huang Yueli is outstanding enough, she is still too insignificant in the face of a big family like the Yunlin Clan that has been passed down for millions of years.

Even if she tried her best to please everyone in the Yunlin clan, it would be very difficult for her to marry into Li Moying's official wife. It required not only luck, but also Li Moying's firm determination to marry her!

However, Huang Yueli simply dismissed such an approach!

For a moment, Master Xiao didn't know what to say.

He really wanted to say, this is impossible, let Huang Yueli calm down and stop dreaming.

However, facing Huang Yueli's delicate and perfect face, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

I don't know why, but Huang Yueli seems to have a kind of power that makes people want to believe her involuntarily, believing that no matter what kind of miracle, it is possible to happen to her!

"Hey, since you are so confident, I can only wish you all the best! Don't worry, the old man will help you pay more attention to business. I have met Xuan Zifan before, and he is a reliable person. There shouldn't be too much of a problem with this business."

After a while, Master Xiao came back to his senses.

Huang Yueli nodded, and suddenly changed the topic, "This business can be negotiated smoothly, thanks to your help! I don't know how to thank you, so let me get seven Out of the 10% profit, 20% is yours."

Master Xiao was stunned, and then waved his hands again and again, "Oh, this is impossible! 20% profit! This is too much! The old man didn't help you, it was nothing more than organizing a competition and haggling the price casually , this business, the truly valuable atlas is done by yourself! If you thank me, you can just give me hundreds of thousands of crystal jade!"

Huang Yueli's generous move really scared Master Xiao.

How much is 20% profit? That is an unimaginably large number!

Haven't you seen that the Xuanwu tribe who are in charge of refining and selling spiritual weapons only get 30% of the profit?

He was only in charge of negotiating, most of the conditions were thought up by Huang Yueli in advance, and in the end they got 20% of the profit?

Although it is a great thing for someone to give free money, but if the pie falling from the sky is too big, people will not dare to accept it!

Huang Yueli knew what Master Xiao was thinking, and smiled, "Don't worry, Master Xiao, you won't let you take this chalcedony for nothing. In the last six months, I plan to practice hard and participate in the God Realm Martial Arts Competition in half a year, so I'm afraid I don't have much time to stare at the Xuanwu clan. When the refining of the spirit weapon officially starts, there are still many things that I need to ask for your help."

Master Xiao said unexpectedly: "Are you going to participate in the martial arts meeting in the God Realm?"

Immediately afterwards, he came to his senses, "By the way, your martial arts talent is also quite good! Maybe you can achieve results in martial arts in the God Realm and become famous!"

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