Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3453 Great harvest (3)

The girl next to Li Moying who is extremely close to him... is definitely Huang Yueli herself!

But how is this possible?

He searched for Huang Yueli for several months but failed to find her. He had already tacitly agreed that she had already died in the barren land!

But now, she actually appeared, and she looked intact! She even transformed into Li Moying's wife, and she was inseparable from Li Moying!

When did she hook up with Li Moying?

No, people in the coalition said that Li Moying's wife was married in the lower realm, so... isn't she really married to the young master of the Yunlin Clan? ?

Such a situation was absolutely unexpected by Huang Sanbai.

He was so shocked that he almost exposed his whereabouts!

Afterwards, it took him a long time to accept this fact. According to the information he had obtained, Huang Yueli should have strayed into the area controlled by the demons while avoiding him. Li Moying didn't know He used some method to grasp her whereabouts, rushed to the demon clan to rescue her, killed the demon Ruize on the way, and then brought her all the way to Zhongliang City...

Although the situation was quite different from what Huang Sanbai expected at the beginning, in the final analysis, it did not shake his plan, and even made Huang Sanbai more determined to kill Li Moying!

Huang Yueli and Li Moying have such a good relationship, probably because they have already told the young master of the Yunlin clan about his murder of her.

However, fortunately, the Yunlin Clan and the Holy Phoenix Clan have always been hostile. Therefore, Huang Yueli cared about Li Moying's position, never revealed her identity, and pretended that she was just an ordinary human girl.

In this way, invisibly, it helped Huang Sanbai.

If everyone knew that the girl next to Li Moying was a god-level genius of the Holy Phoenix Clan, that clan would definitely send someone to look for Huang Yueli. It would be very difficult for him to hide the fact that he had secretly murdered her!

But now, Huang Sanbai is the only one in the Holy Phoenix Clan who knows Huang Yueli's true identity!

Of course, this situation is only temporary, who knows when Huang Yueli will reveal her true strength?

Therefore, the killing intent in Huang Sanbai's heart is even stronger!

He knew that he had to seize this opportunity and kill Huang Yueli and Li Moying together as soon as possible, so that Li Moying's lie about plotting against Huang Yueli would be confirmed and the two families would turn against each other, so he could gain from it. profit!

However, Huang Yueli's appearance was not without influence.

Originally, the biggest difficulty in this matter was just killing Li Moying. Under the joint attack of the three Dao Profound Realm powerhouses, Huang Sanbai was convinced that they had enough strength to kill Li Moying.

However, the question now becomes, how can we prevent the other two elders from discovering Huang Yueli's identity...

If the three of them met Huang Yueli and the others on the spot, Huang Yueli would definitely reveal his true identity when he found out that their lives were in danger. At that time, the other two elders would definitely turn against him on the spot!

Therefore, this matter still needs a long-term plan...

Therefore, Huang Sanbai chose to live in Zhongliang City, and has been secretly observing Li Moying and Huang Yueli.

The other two elders didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Because, it was impossible for them to attack Li Moying in Zhongliang City where there are many experts, so they can only wait for him to leave before making any plans.

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