Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3456th chapter into the secret (1)

Therefore, Huang Yueli's ability to raise two small realms completely by herself is already a very perverted talent!

Huang Yueli also understands this truth, but she is still not very satisfied with her progress in cultivation.

"I don't know where else I can see the artistic conception map besides the family?" Huang Yueli was thoughtful.

Li Moying said: "It's not a difficult task. Martial artists in the Mysterious Life Realm usually leave their own artistic conception maps, so maybe there are some in the caves of the evil shadow saints, but it may not be suitable for you. If it doesn't work for you If so, when we come out of the secret realm, we can go to the headquarters of the coalition army. The headquarters of the coalition has collected artistic conception maps of various attributes, and there must be ones that you can use. It takes a lot of military merit to observe these artistic conception maps, but the last time you sold the spiritual map , got a lot of military merits, so I think there won't be any problem."

"That would be great!" Huang Yueli was overjoyed, "I must go to the headquarters of the coalition forces to have a look before the martial arts meeting in the God Realm!"

"I'll accompany you there then." Li Moying laughed softly.

The spaceship flew for seven or eight days along the direction marked on the map, and finally stopped in a mountain depression.

Li Moying and Huang Yueli were choosing the guards who would enter the secret realm together.

In the secret realm, many traps are only a short distance away. There is no benefit in having too many people, and it may increase the burden on the contrary.

Therefore, they only planned to bring the four guards with the highest cultivation bases. These four people were all cultivation bases above the Mind Profound Realm. In addition, they had learned various secret methods and profound skills of the Yunlin Clan since childhood. It's top notch.

Moreover, these people are all equipped with a full set of standard spirit weapons refined by Huang Yueli - or a full set of medium-grade spirit weapons!

These spirit weapons can be said to be the best among the spirit weapons that Huang Yueli can refine at this stage. All of them have been modified by her unique technique, and she has also drawn a large number of enchantments.

Therefore, when the guards got this set of equipment, they were all shocked on the spot.

"This... this... young madam, is this really for us?" Li Tianyi stared at the spiritual weapon in his hand, his eyes were about to pop out!

Li Tianer also said: "Young Madam, you can't be the one who refined these, right? can already refine intermediate spirit weapons?"

Huang Yueli shrugged, "It's not for you guys, is it for playing? Put it on quickly! You're lucky, even Master Xiao has never seen these spirit weapons before!"

In fact, Huang Yueli was able to refine mid-level spirit weapons two months ago, but she didn't let outsiders know about this news, not even Master Xiao.

Because she was afraid that someone would leak the secret, she didn't even get the badge of the intermediate spirit weapon master, and she was afraid that the coalition forces would come again and ask her for the map of the intermediate spirit weapon.

Now, if it weren't for the fact that they are all Li Moying's confidantes, and that they have been protecting her and Li Moying during this period of time, it can be said that they are loyal, she would not have taken out these spiritual weapons.

The guards all knew that Huang Yueli was the legendary genius spirit weapon master Li Yuehuang, and they were naturally in awe of the things she refined.

Several people hurriedly put on their equipment, and only moved a few times, all of them showed shock!

"This spiritual weapon is actually... a suit!"

"Is this really an intermediate spirit weapon? The improvement in attack defense far exceeds that of a high-level spirit weapon!"

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