Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

The 3461st chapter tree-lined town (2)

Huang Yueli glared at him, trying hard to cover up her gaffe just now.

"Blind... what are you talking about! Well, let's go to the town quickly!"

A group of six people directly entered Linyin Town.

There are many defensive formations arranged around this small town, and all of them are formations above the heaven level! Even Huang Yueli couldn't arrange a formation of this scale and level, it was definitely a masterpiece that only a formation master could do.

What's more, some formations require a lot of rare materials, which are difficult to obtain even for formation masters.

"These formations should all be left behind by the sect that mined chalcedony veins here back then." Li Moying, as the young master of the Yunlin Clan, had a very poisonous vision, and could tell the origin of these formations at a glance.

He looked around the town again, "However, this place is different from what we expected at the beginning. After the chalcedony veins were mined, the Zongmen forces withdrew, but the town did not suffer from depression. , but it has become a good place to do business!"

Huang Yueli was also cautiously looking around, and when she heard Li Moying's words, she couldn't help showing a knowing smile.

"That's right, it looks like this place has become an underground black market..."

The God Realm has a vast territory, with countless towns, but people go to higher places, so most of the masters will gather on the twelve continents, and most of them will gather in the central cities.

A small town like Linyin Town, which is located in a wild place and is only a tiny bit in size, should not be able to pick out even a single Mind Profound Realm martial artist.

However, within sight of the few of them, there were three warriors of the Mind Profound Realm, and one of them was at the late stage of the Mind Profound Realm!

This is really an unusual thing.

Moreover, all the martial artists who come and go here are very low-key, and they don't even speak loudly. Many of them are wearing thick cloaks, and their movements are secretive.

Huang Yueli subconsciously touched her face, secretly thankful.

For the sake of safety, she had a good mind, and when she disembarked, she changed her face and covered her face.

At that time, Li Moying laughed at her for thinking too much, but now it seems that this is really a wise move.

In a place like the underground black market where fish and dragons are mixed together, if there is a stunning beauty in the team, it is easy for others to covet it.

Of course, with the strength of their team, it is enough to deal with most warriors, but after all, they came this time to go to the secret realm to practice, not to find trouble, and keep a low profile in everything, which can save a lot of trouble.

Li Moying nodded, and glanced at the four guards behind him, "Everyone, be careful, we'll leave as soon as possible after we have inquired about the information."

The four hurriedly said yes.

Li Moying glanced at Huang Yueli again, "You follow along too, don't leave me one meter away!"

Huang Yueli couldn't help being taken aback, her big eyes stared in surprise, "One meter? This... isn't this too exaggerated?"

Li Moying was refuted by her, her eyes turned cold, she didn't even say much, and took her hand directly, clasping it firmly in the palm of her hand.

Huang Yueli subconsciously pulled her hand back, "Hey, isn't this bad? Mo Ying, let me go first! I'm a man now! Two men walking hand in hand on the street, won't it be too attractive? Pay attention a little..."

However, Li Moying made up her mind to hold her back.

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