Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith

Chapter 3474 Crisis (4)

Huang Yueli walked towards them with big strides, and said: "Okay, then let me briefly say that next, you need to destroy the four magic stones at the same time."

Hearing this, even Li Moying was taken aback, "Magic Stone??"

Huang Yueli nodded and said: "That's right, when I saw it just now, I was also taken aback! This formation that gathers evil spirits is used to maintain the formation's operation, but it's not the crystal nucleus of spirit beasts, but It is a magic stone dug out from the body of the demons! No wonder it is so gloomy..."

The three guards looked at each other when they heard this.

"This this……"

Ordinary warriors only know that the crystal nuclei of spirit beasts can be used to form formations, or to assist in cultivation. They have also heard that demons use the dark power in the warrior's dantian to refine alchemy and practice, but they have never heard of it. The magic stone also has such a role!

Li Moying was also very surprised, but he just frowned slightly, and then changed the topic back.

"Should we just smash these magic stones? What else do we need to do?"

Huang Yueli said: "If we just destroy the magic stone, all petrified living creatures within the range covered by the formation in this area will be instantly turned into dust. In that case, Brother Tian Er will be helpless. Therefore, we must Replace these magic stones with ordinary spirit beast crystal nuclei. After you smash the magic stone, immediately put these spirit beast crystal nuclei on the location of the magic stone. The speed must be fast! Otherwise, if there is an accident, the consequences will be Unbelievable."

Everyone understood the importance of this matter, and they all nodded solemnly.

Huang Yueli took out four spirit beast crystal nuclei from the space.

These four spirit beasts were all hunted and killed by them in the barren land just now, and they all had cultivation bases equivalent to the mid-stage of the Human Mind Profound Realm.

She distributed the crystal nucleus to Li Moying and the three guards, and said at the same time: "Fortunately, we killed a lot of spirit beasts just now, otherwise, it may be too late to kill them now. However, the strength of these spirit beasts It is too low, and the energy it can provide is not comparable to the magic stones left by the Evil Shadow Saint, and it can only last for a short time. After we rescue Big Brother Tian Er, we must leave this area immediately."

All four of them nodded to express their understanding, and then, according to Huang Yueli's instructions, strictly following the footprints she had made on the ground, they slowly moved forward, and finally got into their positions one by one.

"Do it!"

With Huang Yueli's order, the four of them started together and shattered the magic stone in front of them.

At the same time as the magic stone shattered, the ground of the dense forest with a radius of hundreds of meters began to shake violently, and cracks even began to appear in some places.

Several people were in it, and their bodies swayed back and forth, unable to stand still at all.

Li Moying's reaction was extremely fast. Although the accident happened suddenly, it did not affect his movements at all. With a flick of his wrist, he buried the spirit beast crystal core deeply into the ground.

But the three guards are not optimistic.

Li Tianyi and Li Tiansan's cultivation was pretty good. Although they almost fell down a few times, they managed to withstand the pressure and put the spirit beast spar away.

But Li Tiansi was not so lucky, there was a crack in the ground under his feet, he was caught off guard, his body tilted, and he fell towards the crack, and the spirit beast crystal nucleus in his hand fell to the side.

"Day four!"

Li Tianyi screamed and wanted to rush over to help, but the distance between the two sides was too far! It's too late!

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